I know that sounds like a strange question. However, we sometimes get in awful habits and the thoughts take over. If we are not vigilant, the worry thoughts think themselves—again and again.

Are you thinking, "Well, who wouldn't like to stop worrying about money? Duh!" Is that thought followed up by, "But it is impossible—we have to worry about money."

In my speaking and workshops, I am teaching folks about the three parts of Money IQ. For years, I taught my clients the good, tactical, and strategic "hard money" skills—ways to do better with the money they had and make it work for them. While there was always an improvement, I began to see it was like putting a quarter into a pocket with a hole. Sooner or later, their Emotional and Spiritual issues would recreate the circumstances that were problematic in the first place. I began teaching the emotional money skills and the spiritual money skills along with the "hard money" skills and it was clear that lives transformed. I call this transformation Sustainable Prosperity . It is not about a quantity of money. It is about knowing Who You Really Are, and the money you have supports Who You Really Are.

Most of the time I hear comments like, "I don't know anyone who is doing what you are doing," and "How do you do that?"

I find it is much better to show folks, so here is an example for you:Most 401K's (and all the variations of them) are problematic. The usual culprits are variety of funds, and costs of funds. When I review 401K's with my clients, I teach them good questions to ask. Just as important, they learn why they are asking the questions. In this case, is the 401K a quality plan or not? Without sound emotional money skills, and spiritual money skills, all their questions are moot. Either the changes in investments will be like jumping from the frying pan to the fire or will be done in the wrong way at the wrong time. While they may be somewhat better off initially--the circumstances leading to the crummy plan to begin with--will happen all over again.

Consider these points:
* In a study by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), employers are increasingly shifting retirement plan expenses to their employees. Do you know what you pay for your plan? If you see a phrase like "All returns reflect investment expenses but not plan expenses," it means that you do not know what your employer is asking you to pay for your plan.

* Also from the GAO: the 401K administrator "may also be receiving compensation from mutual fund companies for recommending their funds. As a result, participants may have more limited investment options and pay higher fees for these options than they otherwise would." Translation: it is a kickback—and your money is invested not because it is the best place for your money, but because someone, somewhere in the loop is getting paid extra.

* The folks who pick the plans (HR)—while wonderful people—do not have degrees in economics or investing . They are HR people. They know how to interview. While the employee wants a WIDE range of low cost excellent investments, an HR person may be looking for ease of use such as sign-up and management from web-site (taking them out of the loop), as well as other factors.

Now, you can begin to worry about your 401K. Worry can morph into anger or sadness. It can keep you up at night. Good emotional and spiritual money skills lead you to not waste your energy, your life force, on the choice to worry. Worry does not bring you a return on your investment. Worry wastes energy, leaving you with less for the work you need to do.

Poor ‘emotional money skills’ read this information and think you do not want to hear more bad news and you have had enough bad news, thank you very much. Or the ego gets really activated and storms into work and starts complaining about getting ripped off.

Poor ‘spiritual money skills’ believe there is lack and limitation in the world and this is now reflected in the new-to-you information about your 401K plan. The ego mind believes that what is happening now is a result of you being overlooked by the Universe—you just do not count; the little guy can't get ahead; and you just can't trust anyone.

Expanding your ‘money IQ’ means:
You welcome this opportunity to make changes in a responsible way. You recognize that all things are connected, working for your highest good (and everyone else's)—if you will allow it. You accept this situation as an opportunity for learning (no you are not required to like it—just do not resist what is) and see there are skills sets for you to learn to flow with the energy of money. You realize there are many things you do not know about your 401K. You make the commitment to ask good questions and get the answers to these questions. It means you invest your time, your thoughts, and your energy in ways that bring blessings back to you.

It means you now realize that you do not have to worry. Worry is optional!

What choice are you going to make—worry or growth?

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Karen Monroy holds a PhD. in psychology, and a Masters Degree in Economics and Business.

"I teach, write, and guide clients to Sustainable Prosperity." says Dr. Monroy, who is a pioneer in the field of Spiritual Psychology, and Nuero-economics.

Dr. Monroy explains to clients the structure of their minds--from a neurological, psychological and spiritual perspective clients learn to work WITH their own nature, not AGAINST their nature.

Dr. Monroy teaches Money IQ Skills, Money EQ skills and a spiritual basis for moving through the world of form. Dr. Monroy believes all of us learn about these concepts in the world of form (or Earth School as she calls it) as one aspect of our spiritual path.

Dr. Monroy is the author of an award-winning book: 30 Day Money Master Mind Makeover. Her upcoming book (scheduled release is October, 2009) is a children’s book about money: Mommy, What is Rich?

Learn more about Karen at her website: http://www.KarenMonroy.com