From Exeter University in the UK, Fiona Mathews conducted a meta-analysis of 10 independent studies involving 1492 samples to clarify the potential impact of environmental exposure on deep valleys. Participants were from fertility clinics and research centers.

Sperm motility, sperm vitality, and sperm concentration were measured. In the control group, 50% - 80% of the sperm can move normally. However, if exposed to mobile phone radiation, the proportion of sperm in normal motion will decrease by 8% on average, and sperm motility will be similarly affected. However, the effect of mobile phone radiation on sperm concentration is not apparent.

Dr. Mathews, who led the study, said: "now that mobile phones are widely used throughout the world, it is clear what the potential impact of exposure to mobile phone radiation will be. Our results show that the electromagnetic radio frequency Fisher generated by mobile phones placed in trouser pockets can damage sperm quality, particularly vigilant for men whose fertility is on the verge of passing. The clinical effects of mobile phone radiation on the general population need a further study."

All electromagnetic radiation can pass through space in invisible energy waves, which can damage the penetrating tissue and cells. The electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones can cause many reproductive system diseases. The frequency of using mobile phones is increasing in males, so they should pay attention to the influence of cell phone radiation on male reproductive function.

The testis is one of the most sensitive organs to electromagnetic radiation. Cell phone radiation has some damage to males' testis structure and spermatogenesis, which affects male reproductive function. Electromagnetic radiation of mobile phones can lighten the male testis, thin the seminiferous tubule, degenerate, necrose and even shed spermatogenic cells. The damage of spermatogenic cells will destroy the spermatogenesis process.

Animal experiments showed that electromagnetic radiation could change the structure of the male testis, which can reduce sperm concentration and vitality and increase the deformity rate. In addition, the semen parameters of male animals in the radiation exposure group were closely related to the length of radiation time, and the longer the radiation time, the more pronounced the parameters decreased.

The length of daily use of mobile phones and mobile phones' lives were negatively correlated with sperm vitality. The longer the mobile phone is used, the lower the sperm vitality. In addition, the distance between the cell phone and the testis also determines the influence of cell phone radiation on the testis.

Many men like to hang their mobile phones in waist or pants bags, which is very close to testicles. So this radiation will inevitably have a particular impact on testicular spermatogenesis, which will reduce sperm vitality and increase sperm deformity rate. Besides the conventional semen parameters, electromagnetic radiation can also destroy the integrity of sperm DNA. It can increase the production of active oxygen in sperm cells and eventually lead to an increased DNA breaking index.

Of course, there are different views that the degree of electromagnetic radiation does not affect testis, and it cannot kill sperm and cause male infertility. The reliability of these conclusions needs further verification.

Although infertility is complex, the low quality of male sperm has always been an important reason for infertility. Besides some environmental factors, reproductive diseases, such as prostatitis , orchitis, and epididymitis, are also important factors that can not be ignored. For these reproductive diseases, the more common treatment is drug treatment, such as herbal medicine, Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill . Only if these diseases are cured will men solve poor sperm quality.

With the increase of age, the decline of sperm quality and DNA damage in the male are scientific facts. Therefore, if men want to protect their fertility, they should avoid any risk factors that may damage reproductive function, use mobile phones appropriately and protect testicles.

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