• Today Coaching is on everyone's lips as more and more businesses are
asking that coaching should be provided for their employees as a way of
ensuring that all their valuable resources are operating at peak
• People who have coaches are different.
• People who have coaches know who they are.
• People who have coaches know what they can do.
• People who have coaches know how they will do it and
• People who have coaches can confidently anticipate what the positive
result will be.
• People who have coaches understand and have the confidence to realise
their potential.

What is included your Coaching Partnership?

We will enter into an individual personal development programme that will enable you to focus on and gain a positive understanding of your innate and deliverable potential.

Introduction: An introduction to Coaching followed by an Overview of the programme and an introduction to Coaching Interactive.

Personal Questionnaire: This will enable your personal coach to get to know you and to tailor suitable interactive sessions for you.

General Questionnaire: This will allow you to thoroughly consider your beliefs, values and avenues of actions.

My Life: Create your life map by examining what is important to you; assess your current status in each area. You will be requested to clearly define your dreams and the meaning of the fulfilment of the dreams . You will then be guided to consider what to do, in order to achieve your goals.

Your Strengths: By identify your strengths you will learn how to work with and leverage those strengths in order to fulfil your dreams .

Your Goals: You will get in touch with your calling, the reason why you are here.Personal Vision: You will be guided to define your vision and values; once you have clarity you can make better decisions in order to reach your goals.

Define & Fulfil the Vision: Your vision and goals are examined and analysed.Set Goals and Objectives: Choose the subject you wish to focus on first, build a programme with goals and objectives for short, medium or long term.

GROW: Pick your first target and learn how to expand the options available to you.Progress Report: You will be guided to routinely assess and report your progress to yourself and your coach.

Summary: Complete the questionnaire and converse with your coach on the process you have undergone and the impact it has had. An invitation will follow to further grow using a specific coaching programme tailored for you by your coach.

Pace: Most of the growth in coaching occurs between sessions. It is thus advisable to proceed to the next phase only after you receive a response from your coach. The effective pace will take a few days per each main interactive session.

Communications: To get in touch with your coach in 1:1 coaching you may choose between phone calls or Skype, However written correspondence should best be done via the system. Here a record is kept and progress can be later analysed by yourself and the coach.

How is your Coaching Partnership structured?

Your Coaching Partnership is structured around an easy to use and understand interactive coaching programme that has been extensively tested to ensure that you attain the maximum benefit from your input. It is a simple truth that the more that you put into this exercise the more that you will get out of it.

This programme combines interactive online coaching with a personal escort from me, your coach. Some of the sessions include questionnaires which when submitted by you will enable me to respond, expanding your insight and guiding you to the next step. In this manner you will be able to progress and evaluate your progress along the way.

What happens if you enter a Coaching Partnership?

• Expect to challenge yourself, and be challenged by me so that you gain an
insight into that which you have the potential to be.
• Expect to change your life in ways that you have yet to conceive.
• Expect to be continually surprised by your unfolding inner potential.
• Expect to find new strategies to address current challenges.
• Expect to understand that your coach enables you to have the answers.
• Expect to GROW in all areas of your life.

Who should enter into a Coaching Partnership?

People who realise that in their work or business lives they have the potential to be far more than “Just” this or “Just” that. People who sense that no matter how good they think they are, they are always more than that!

If you are a Coach and want to check out this incredible method of coaching please visit http://www.onlinesolutionsforcoaches.com

Author's Bio: 

Author, speaker and coach. John has been instrumental in bring Coaching Interactive to market and now delighted to announce the launch of his own online coaching program within the platform - New Beginnings - check this out at http://johnfielder.coachinginteractive.com