Although there is always a debate among various sectors of people regarding the foretelling and its credibility, it is most accepted that it has an impact on the human thought process and mental health of an individual. Foretelling was considered as a psychological treatment in age-old days. It doesn’t just involve the predictions that could happen in an individual’s life, but also about how an astrologer comes up with the suggestions and recommendations to overcome the situations after analysing the problems of the individual. Foretelling utilizes logical reasoning and some strong beliefs that are being followed from the days of ancestors. A professional foreteller can utilize different techniques that are available for predicting the future like palmistry, horoscope, numerology and astrology .

Each technique has got its own reasoning and logic behind the type of analysis. Most often an astrologer makes use of a combination of them in providing advices to the people. Let’s have a look on the basic aspects of these phenomena.

• Palmistry believes in the technique that design, shape and size of the palm represents the individual’s behaviour and can even help in predicting the individual’s fortune. Most of the fortune-tellers look at both the hands, left and right of a person for predicting. It is believed that left hand represents one’s inner side and helps in finding the spirituality and personality of the individual. It is given more priority for predictions of females. On the other hand, the person’s right hand is controlled by the brain’s left side and represents outer side like social behaviour of him. Most of the cases it plays major role in analysing it for males.
• Horoscope is the belief that the celestial movements of the sun, moon and planets have an impact on the zodiac signs. An individual’s zodiac signs are found by their date of birth. In some techniques even the time and place of birth are considered to find the person’s zodiac sign. Horoscope is so old that it shows a major impact even on the every day activities of the people. In most of the communities major events and occasions are always scheduled based on the horoscope outcomes and advises by the astrologers. It has got a huge credibility across the globe and has got scientific reasoning behind its analysis.
Numerology on the other hand has evolved as a response of strong belief by the reputed philosophers and mathematicians like Pythagoras. The basic fundamental behind the technique is that the outcomes of the events in an individual’s life depend on the count or measurements that are associated with that particular event.
Astrology is an age-old phenomenon and has been used since with minimal modifications depending on the cultures and traditions across the world. It is considered as most complicated but one of the advanced studies conducted by the older generations. It has a basic belief of the events on the earth depend on the celestial movements and their positions of the objects like Sun, Moon and Planets. In a similar case these distances also influence a person’s life events at the time of the birth of the individual.

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Free horoscopes: get your palmistry, horoscope , Numerology , astrology , and more horoscope forecast from Horoscope is a chart of a person which represents the exact positions of the Sun, the Moon and the planets when he/she was born.