I love all the articles and advice on the internet today which deal with quelling nervousness, combating nervousness, eliminating nervousness and ending those nervous jitters. Unfortunately, most of them do not discuss the benefits of nervousness in public speaking or in the job interview and why it should be your best friend and not your worst nightmare!

Years ago, world-renowned opera singer Maureen Forrester was asked if she ever wished she had been a stay-at-home mom and she replied, "Every time I walk onto the stage!" And, when that interview was given, Forrester was making $40,000 a night! All great speakers, performers, and athletes are nervous. If you think they are not, then you are wrong. The difference, however, is that they use their nervousness to their benefit.

Nervousness is wonderful. That rush of adrenaline can take your presentation, your performance, your game, or your interview to unknown heights if you allow it to work for you and not against you.

I have given hundreds of presentations. Each and every time I speak, I am nervous. It doesn’t matter the size of the group. Were I not experiencing those jitters, I wouldn't want to speak because my nervousness gives me an edge that I don't experience if I am overly confident which has happened only once during my long career as a professional speaker. Many years ago, I was invited to speak at a women's insurance meeting and during the meal, I had a glass of wine. That was the mistake.

As one who seldom drinks, I lost my edge during the presentation. Not only was I not nervous but I was overly confident, both characteristics which I attribute to that one glass of wine. Never again have I had alcohol before speaking even when I later gave a presentation at Labatt's in London, Ontario. Not only did they invite me to have a beer, they expected me to drink during my presentation! I declined because I knew I would not sound as professional.

I want my clients - I want all public speakers - nervous. Public speaking is a live venue. As well prepared as you may be and as good as your delivery skills may be, what happens during your presentation or interview is always an unknown. When you are communicating with your audience, you can never predict your outcome. That is one of the blessings of dynamic public speaking . And, that, in itself, is a reason to be nervous.

Expect to be nervous. Learn how to control it, however, and allow it to take your speech, your presentation, or your interview to a level you never knew possible.

Author's Bio: 

The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, group and corporate training in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It! , the only video training program on voice improvement. Visit Nancy's Voice Training Website and watch as she describes the best means of controlling nervousness in any form of public speaking.