The smartphone has long since become our constant companion. We always have it with us and every year the manufacturers come up with even better technology. Cameras that will soon replace the SLR, incredibly detailed displays, and processors that compete with computers: all of this has long been standard. While gaming used to be limited to computers and consoles, gaming on mobile phones has become very popular in recent years. You can find out why this is so with us.

More technical possibilities and flexibility

As already mentioned, new developments in the area of smartphone production make mobile gaming particularly attractive. Tablets in particular have a sufficiently large display to allow gaming with sometimes very high resolution. In addition, there are eight-core processors that are not only installed in current flagships, but also in the middle class. With appropriate graphics, nothing stands in the way of mobile gaming.

That being said, it is much more convenient to gamble on the smartphone or tablet that we already have with us than to lug around an additional console with us. We're sitting at the doctor's and have to pass the time. Then when we rummage through Facebook, the advertising of a game catches our eye. And already we have found a way to bridge the waiting time. The spontaneity is certainly one of the points that speak for the popularity of mobile games.

Low-cost factor

One advantage that mobile games have is their low price. Many games are offered for free in the app stores. The developers generate their income through so-called in-game purchases. The user can, for example, activate special features for which he would otherwise have to wait a certain time - or which he would otherwise not be able to access at all. And even if the mobile games cost something, gamers pay a lot less than when playing on the console.

Speaking of consoles: When it comes to costs, the smartphone is an interesting platform for gamers. Most of us already have a cell phone that is usually no older than a few years. We use the devices for all sorts of things and don't create them specifically for gaming. Consoles, on the other hand, still cost a lot of money to this day and not everyone can afford a new console.

Virtual reality makes mobile gaming exciting

VR opens up completely new possibilities for gamers. The gamer can immerse himself in the world of his game and discover a lot of new things. The VR area is currently still in development and we mainly find games on the market that have been specially developed for this. Some of them can be used as accessories with VR glasses, others only work via sensors and/or the camera.

The new possibilities are certainly one of the reasons that mobile gaming is becoming increasingly popular. However, if you want to get into the VR gaming world in the future, you should have some money ready. Developers are working on making more popular games usable for VR. Then glasses become a must - and they are not cheap. Especially not when we want comfort.

More mobile versions of popular games

While there were more card games or hits like Snake on the first mobile phones, more and more complex games can be found in app stores today. This includes sports games, but also role-playing games and platformers. Casual games have not yet disappeared from the market - software manufacturers would regret it. Nevertheless, the new games are developing pretty quickly and there are several new titles in the stores every day. 20 hours of playing time are just as rare as sophisticated graphics.

What also attract gamers to smartphones are mobile versions of well-known games. So you can control the life of your  Sims  from your mobile phone, catch  Pokémon  on your smartphone and finally get your Hogwarts letter that you've been waiting for so many years. That attracts customers. You can also find a lot of self-growth and many other brain training games like  Sharp Knife Target Hexagone Brain workout ,and etc in Play Stores.

Casual gamers: mostly women and the elderly

When you think of the typical gamer, the first thing that comes to mind is a man in his early twenties who crouches in front of his computer or console and has not eaten, showered, or seen the daylight in weeks. Most people should be aware that this is a cliché and that is by no means corresponds to the majority of gamers. In fact, more and more  casual gamers  are appearing on the scene. And these are by no means just young men.

More and more women are playing casual games primarily on their smartphones. Whether it's Candy Crush, Jump'n Runs, or design and make-up games: They are great chances to pass waiting times on your smartphone. And that not only affects women but also older generations. Mobile games are also increasingly interesting for people over the age of 50. Good to know: PC and console games have so far not been able to reach these target groups to the same extent as smartphone games.

Is the mobile phone replacing portable consoles and the PC?

According to studies from 2017, more gamers gamble on their smartphones than those who sit in front of the computer or console. Around 16 million Germans were therefore connected to consoles and around 17 million to computers. These are enormous numbers that you have to let yourself melt on your tongue. But, surprise: According to the market research survey, over 18 million people played on their smartphones in 2017.

How many years, especially portable consoles like the PSP, will last, we can only guess. But the likelihood that they will be completely replaced by the ever-larger smartphone or tablet is relatively high. The prognosis for computer games and larger consoles is more difficult. As long as there are still enough people who prefer big screens, manufacturers probably have little to fear. For more mind blowing games please visit

Author's Bio: 

My name is James K Meyer. I have been an entrepreneur and passionate blogger for over a decade, during which time I have written thousands of articles on my blog and many other publications. I write about Business, Health, Technology, Automobiles, Legal, Hospitality and much more. I am also an active contributer on Entrepreneur, Forbes, NYTimes