Chicken is the most popular meat used at home kitchens and restaurants. Its upsides are the delicate texture, lower fat amount than in bee for pork, and quick cooking time. Chicken has a place in all types of dishes, from burgers to stuffing. Substituting beef with chicken is revolutionary in the fast food business. The secret lies in marinatng and coating the chicken…

The role of the marinade - why do we marinate meat?

Marinating chicken gives the meat its distinctive teste. Depending on the type of marinade the meat is spicy or mild. Marinating makes chicken with a pre made marinade makes is tastier, juicier and more tender.

It is important to remember that marinating should take place much earlier, before we Begin to coat and fry the meat. During this time the flavor of the marinade penetrates the meat which makes is tender and delicious when fried.

Using ready chicken marinades saves a lot preparation time as we don’t have to prep the spices. The hot marinade makes the meat gives chicken the right distinct flavor and makes it spicy. It penetrates the meat making it juicy, crispy and full of flavor. All it takes is a bite and your customers will come back for more.

Coating the chicken – why is it imporrtant?

The marinated chicken can be prepared in many ways. For example, it can be coated and deep fried and later used in combination with other appetizing ingredients and created into a wonderful dish. It is important to be meticulous in the coating proces. The batter must completely cover the meat. On the other hand it can not dominate the meat as its job is to complement it.

Freshly coated chicken should be deep fried and serves immediately. Thanks to the ready coating mix it is not necessary to prepare the coating and combine the spices. It saves a lot of time on the coating proces. Using ready coating mixes has become standard procedurę in the fast food industry. There is no need to use eggs, flour, bread crumbs or corn flakes.

The role of the batter

The batter makes chicken crispy and flavorful. Battered chicken has many fans as the meat is really hard to resist. All you need is try it. Along with lettuce, tomato, bacon and cucumbers it is a delicacy.
Battered chicken in the company of other ingredients has been a symbol of family dish for decades. Restaurants offering deep freid chicken dishes cater to families with children, groups of freinds, romantic couples and tourists. Bucket full of chicken strips are a hit at college parties.

Deep fried chicken dishesis an easy restaurant business idea full of customers.

Learn more on the coating mix producer website.

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