Asthma sufferers will know that sometimes the air can be a little difficult to breathe in. Cold weather can make the air feel dry but on the flip side, sticky air can make it feel like the right level of oxygen isn't hitting your lungs.

It's vital that you keep it under control and prevent your airways from getting inflamed. One of the best ways to do that is by using a humidifier. There is some vital information to make a note of, and we'll go through all of that here.

How can a humidifier help?

When the air it too dry it can suck the moisture in out of your repository system and make breathing a lot harder. A humidifier will be able to replace this lost water moisture and lubricate that system. A humidifier for asthma will allow you to breathe comfortably without the anxiety asthma can bring.

There can be a misconception that humidifiers will make the air dense and thick but this isn’t the case. Instead, they prevent the air from being dry and bring it back up to a comfortable level. If you use it wrong the humidity can become too high but controlling this is easy.

Using a humidifier can prevent you from needing to use nasal sprays and medication which can not only be annoying to use but also quite expensive. In the right settings, a humidifier can simply give you a nicer environment in which to live.

There are other positives to using a humidifier too. They have also been known to prevent your skin from getting too dry and your eyes from getting too itchy. Added to that they can even prevent wood from becoming damaged and help prevent snoring!

The downsides of humidity

Humidifiers can be bad for asthma. When you understand why, there are some simple steps you can take to avoid it ever being a problem. The reason they can be negative is that they can send allergens and bacteria into the air.

This happens when you use cheap humidifiers that don’t filter the air and also it can be made worse by a lack of maintenance and using unclean water. Also if the air is too humid, the air can feel heavy and it can be hard to breathe. There are ways of measuring this (called a hygrometer) and this function is included in some humidifiers.

Humidifier or Dehumidifier?

Due to the negatives of high humidity, there are those who suggest a dehumidifier is better for asthma suffers. The truth? Both can be great. The perfect humidity is seen as being somewhere between 30-50%. Anything above or below that figure and you’d want to change it.

This depends on what type of climate you live in. Some places have very low humidity in the winter and high humidity in the summer. In the winter, however, you also have a much higher risk of developing a cold or chest infection where a humidifier would be more important.

Tips for perfect humidity

Get the right balance – As mentioned, 30-50% is the ideal range for humidity. You should be able to sense when the air is getting too heavy but if you wanted to keep a check on it then you could get a hydrometer to measure it for you.

Keep it clean – You don’t want your air to become filled with pollen and other irritants that could potentially trigger asthma . You want to keep it clean with regular maintenance and also you want to change the filters they have regularly.

Check the water – If the asthma suffers is highly sensitive then using pure water that is either distilled or demineralized will be ideal. Also if the water has been sitting there for a while, change it over. You don't want old standing water being dispersed into the air.

What humidifier should I get?

You want to avoid steam vaporizer types. These were once by far the most common option as they simply heated water into steam. Due to that heated element, the risk of bacteria and irritants is far higher and regular maintenance would be required.

The great alternative instead would be to get an ultrasonic humidifier. This uses intense micro-vibrations to make the water particles turn into mist. The lack of a heating element means that the water comes out cool and the risk of bacteria is vastly reduced.Evaporation humidifiers are very common and another good option. These draw in the air over a wet wick which will then evaporate the water into the air. It's another that doesn't use heat but some find the noise of the fan a little annoying.

While not being a type of humidifier themselves, the three options above can also have a UV light included in them. Intense UV light will kill bacteria and therefore this will act as an added safety net to ensure the water coming out is clean.

Take care of yourself

As long as you keep the humidity at the right level, you’re going to enjoy the benefits of breathing easier and not having that anxiety when you should be relaxed. You shouldn’t be a slave to humidity and being able to control it has never been easier.

Author's Bio: 

Eric Leader is the owner of Every Body's Personal Trainer