India's exports have grown in recent years due to a combination of factors, including:

Economic reforms: India has implemented a range of economic reforms, including liberalization of trade policies, reduction of tariffs, simplification of customs procedures, and improvement of infrastructure. These reforms have made it easier for Indian companies to do business and compete in the global market.

Diversification of exports: India has diversified its export base by moving away from traditional sectors such as textiles and focusing on high-value sectors such as pharmaceuticals, IT services, and engineering goods. This has helped to increase the value of India's exports and reduce its dependence on a few key sectors.

Access to new markets: India has entered into a number of free trade agreements (FTAs) with countries such as Japan, South Korea, and ASEAN, which have helped to increase India's access to new markets and reduce barriers to trade.

Currency depreciation: The depreciation of the Indian rupee against the US dollar has made Indian exports more competitive in the global market, making them cheaper for foreign buyers.

Government support: The Indian government has implemented a range of measures to support exporters, including providing financial assistance, improving export infrastructure, and offering tax incentives. These measures have helped to boost India's exports and make them more competitive in the global market.

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