One of the most important elements of my hypnotherapy practice is helping others understand the need for forgiveness. Many times, become wrapped up in the results and symptoms of our personal issues that we forget to look closely as to the cause of these problems. For example, one may be distressed with an over-eating problem, however, that person may not understand that the over-eating may be caused by an underlying issue. And that’s understandable, because all they may really b looking at is the image in the mirror and say to themselves, “I have to stop eating so much”. They begin to look at ways to correct this problem and the first thing that comes to mind is finding a diet that will help them to lose weight. The diet might work, at first, but the weight keeps coming back. This only makes matters worse, since they now have escalating feelings of failure to add to the weight problem. Of course, eating right (combined with physical activity) is an excellent approach to weight control, but what if the problem is rooted somewhere else?
We are told that in order to be “good” people, we should practice forgiveness. This is a fundamental concept in just about every faith and we know that it’s better not to carry around animosity as part of our personal baggage. But to truly understand the value of forgiveness , you need to learn to forgive yourself, as well. This something that I look for, when working with my clients. Because hypnotherapy is a collaborative affair, I work along with my clients to discover the underlying root causes of negative life scenarios. You would be surprised at the number of times a problem has stemmed directly from a lack of forgiveness , either for themselves or towards another individual. Dealing with this discovery is simplified due to the fact that, at no time, is the client not in complete control of their thoughts and actions. This also means that are no lapses in memory throughout the entire session .This is contrary to what some people may think, but hypnotherapy is not just standard hypnosis . This means that the issue is completely explored as opposed to a hypnotist who merely exerts their will over a subject, thus and “solutions” are short-lived at best.
After a hypnotherapy session, the client can come to more fully understand why it’s important to be able to forgive. So often, we are able to bring ourselves to forgive another person, but we can easily forget how to forgive another very important person – that’s you. If you find yourself facing a difficult issue, such as; depression , smoking, weight gain, career stalls, etc., it would certainly be worth your time to investigate the issue from an internal perspective through the use of hypnotherapy.

Author's Bio: 

My name is Lin Shlonsky and I am an owner and operator at New York Hypnotherapy and Meditation. For nearly two decades, I’ve studied energy healing, emotional balance techniques and the impact of the subconscious mind on our daily life.

I offer a path to Self Discovery, Self Development, high Self Esteem, Willpower and Fulfillment. I can help you with weight loss, stopping smoking, ending anxieties, eliminating fears and phobias, stress management, motivation, inner conflicts resolution, setting and reaching goals and anything else that is standing on your way to Self Realization.

I pursued a major in Psychology for nearly 4 years in Israel, then, having discovered natural healing, I had found a way not only to cope with my life challenges, but to alter my path through life. As a Self-Development Facilitator I awarded from my education in Naturopathy in Israel and affiliation with the International Association of Counselors and Therapists, as well as the National Guild of Hypnotists here in US.

Ultimately, I believe that empowerment is the act of remembering one’s own power to choose. But often this freedom is obscured by growing pains, betrayal, lack of love and regard, survival needs or fear of success or failure. I will help you to understand the root causes of your own discontent and misfortune, so you will be able to embrace the vision of yourself that has always existed beyond you; one of a Capable, Happy and Purposed Being.