Contrary to what many people might think, male pattern baldness is much more than just a physical condition. This condition is one that can affect men of all ages, and it does not always get easier with age. Men who lose their hair are more likely to struggle in their personal relationships, have low self-esteem and feel uncomfortable with their appearance.

Many men also believe that their hair loss has affected their career. In fact, it has been reported that 63% of men truly believe that their hair loss has negatively impacted their career. Needless to say, men who suffer from male pattern baldness would do anything to stop hair loss.

How to Stop Hair Loss

For most men, hair loss in inevitable. Two out of three men begin losing their hair by 35 years of age. In 95% of cases, male pattern baldness is to blame. Unfortunately, since most men are genetically predisposed to develop this condition, there is nothing they can do to stop it. The good news is that men can stop hair loss once it starts.

Male pattern baldness is due to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). When this hormone is produced in the scalp, it attacks the hair follicles and causes them to atrophy. The follicles will shrink and begin producing short, fine hairs. DHT also shortens the follicle’s growth phase, which gives the hair less time to grow. If left untreated, men will end up losing hair from their temples as well as the top of their head.

To stop hair loss, men need to choose a hair loss treatment that stops DHT. Hair loss treatments protect the hair by preventing DHT from attacking the follicles. This helps men protect the hair they still have and avoid future hair loss. DHT-blocking treatments also give the follicles time to heal. Once they are free of DHT, the follicles will become healthier and begin producing thicker, longer hairs.

Using Natural Supplements to Stop Hair Loss

As most men are aware, there are dozens of prescription and over-the-counter drugs designed to stop hair loss. What many men do not know is that there are many natural supplements also capable of fighting male pattern baldness. These supplements contain all-natural plant extracts, oils and herbs . They are chemical free and typically do not contain harmful preservatives or artificial fillers.

While hair loss drugs and natural supplements contain different ingredients, these products are fairly similar. Both types of products treat male pattern baldness by blocking the hormones that cause hair loss. Of course, natural supplements do so safely and naturally. They do not cause dangerous side effects or react with medications. In fact, these supplements contain a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can actually improve a man’s health.

Still, many men are skeptical. Selecting a natural supplement instead of a proven treatment can seem risky. Fortunately, many natural hair loss herbs have been clinically proven to work.

For example, scientific studies have indicated that saw palmetto is effective in inhibiting 5-alpha reductase, which is the enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT. Other herbs have also shown positive results when tested. Natural supplements may not just be the safer choice; they might be the more effective choice as well.

Author's Bio: 

Speedwinds Nutrition, Inc. is the leader in nutritional supplements. One of their most successful products is Procerin. Procerin is designed to stop hair loss by blocking DHT. While most hair loss products focus on external factors, Procerin differentiates itself by taking a multi-prong approach. The Procerin hair loss system consist of three components; an oral supplement, topical foam and cleansing shampoo. The Procerin system works to safely and naturally combat the causes of male pattern baldness and restart the hair growth process. To learn more about hair loss and Procerin, visit them at .