Students have a lot to deal with in school. Don’t you agree? From their teenage phase, peer pressure, exam stress, dealing with difficult subjects, relatives asking about future career plans and what not. School students have a lot going on in their most crucial years, and by that, I mean starting from 8th grade itself.

That is exactly when every student needs proper guidance and support from a professional who has in-depth knowledge about careers and counselling. It is also a school’s responsibility to make sure that every student gets equal & detailed attention in order to draw their successful career graphs.

Career Counselling is a process of identifying, understanding and implementing the right choices for an individual to deserve the best career possible. As per my research, more than 80% of the students in India do not have proper access to any guidance tools. Majority of the students pick their 11th&12th-grade subjects under parental pressure, lack of knowledge, follow their sibling’s footsteps and so on. Hence, career counselling is extremely important for students today.

With multiple streams, subjects, specialization, career options coming up, it gets confusing for students to pick what is right for them. They may like a subject but maybe scoring well in another, identifying their passion is where the students are left behind. Parents and schools need to understand the ‘need of the hour’, students require handholding at this very point. They need an expert’s help, someone who they can speak to and that can only be a certified career counsellor.

A certified career counsellor has a vast knowledge about careers, colleges, courses, admission process, entrance exams and most importantly how to identify an individual’s interest & desire in life. The Global Career Counsellor Certification by the University of California, Los Angeles Extension &Univariety offers an all-in-one guide to the career counselling industry, right from the best practices, methods & techniques to the latest trends.

It is an exclusively online international certification course that not only gives a professional deep insight about the industry but also adds immense value to their CV. The course also provides an overall information about opportunities in India and abroad, which obviously adds on as a lot of students have started looking for scholarships abroad.

Apart from that, most of the progressive schools are eagerly looking for certified counsellors/teachers with a counselling certification from an established university. Be the guiding light, get certified by UCLA Extension and Univariety

Author's Bio: 

GCC is Asia's first Global Career Counselling Program in partnership with UCLA Extension. It covers 15 modules over a duration of 40+ hours of online training. The modules focus on practical learning throughout with an increased focus on real-life parent-student problems. Just by being GCC certified, you will be able to unlock a number of career opportunities https://www.globalcareercounsellor(dot)com