Patients with chronic prostatitis often have psychological and emotional disorders, especially those who have not been cured for a long time. They can have negative coping attitudes such as insomnia, forgetfulness, and even wishful thinking, pessimism, and disappointment. Sometimes the confusion in this regard even exceeds the pain of the disease itself.

The appearance of psychological disorder is not the aggravation of prostatitis. Many patients have a wrong understanding of prostatitis. They think that the disease is severe, which leads to psychological conditions over time. In addition, there is much misinformation to mislead patients and cause psychological disorders. Therefore, "psychotherapy" for patients with chronic prostatitis is essential.

How does chronic prostatitis affect patients' psychology ?

Chronic prostatitis is the most common disease in the male urinary system, which significantly impacts patients' quality of life. The main symptoms focus on the patient's lower body.

Clinically, chronic prostatitis is often manifested by perineal pain (scrotal pain, discomfort around chrysanthemum), urinary symptoms (frequent urination, urgency, etc.).

One characteristic of these symptoms is privacy. In addition, patients do not have a good understanding of the disease. Even many people equate chronic prostatitis with sexual misconduct, resulting in patients with prostatitis being ashamed to speak up or even go to regular hospitals.

Another important direction of chronic prostatitis is sexual function. Patients often suffer from premature ejaculation and impotence due to mental tension. After two failures at a time, they will have a sense of fear of sex life and aggravate the anxiety of prostatitis.

At this time, if the partner blames him, it will seriously affect his psychology . Plus, the pain after ejaculation makes patients have more anxiety and fear about sexual life and prostatitis and fall into a dead cycle.

The last straw to crush the camel lies in chronic prostatitis' refractory and stubborn nature.

Several drugs commonly used in the clinic include α- Receptor blockers and antibiotics, but they can only play a temporary role, making it difficult to cure inflammation effectively.

It improves patients' symptoms after medication, and once stopping the drug, the symptoms appear again. Or, after the patient thinks he has cured prostatitis, the symptoms appear again and again. Over time, symptoms become a shadow that patients can't eliminate. Seeing that the cumulative cost of treatment is higher and higher, it is more difficult to bear the multiple pressure of physical and economic.

Here, patients can choose the herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill for treatment. This therapy has a remarkable curative effect, and the effectiveness is up to more than 90%. It has been highly praised and recognized by many patients.

Why should patients with chronic prostatitis take "psychotherapy"?

Fear is the most significant cause of anxiety and tension in patients with prostatitis. Lack of correct knowledge of prostate and prostatitis makes patients worry prostatitis will cause sexual dysfunction, prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer, renal failure, infertility, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Emotional activity is the external expression of human spiritual activity. Social and psychological factors mainly affect the occurrence and prognosis of diseases through abnormal emotional changes. According to clinical research statistics, more than 70% of patients with chronic prostatitis have excessive tension symptoms such as anxiety, depression , fear, and pessimism, which seriously affect patients' quality of life.

Experts have studied the correlation between the psychological state of patients and the treatment of chronic prostatitis. The results show that the degree of psychological disorder is closely related to the course of chronic prostatitis. The longer the duration of the disease, the heavier the psychological condition of patients. The heavier the psychological burden, the longer the course of the disease.

The vast majority of patients have varying degrees of mental symptoms. These symptoms are also accompanied by physical symptoms, such as frequent urination, urgent urination, muscle tension, and pain in the low back and perineum. These symptoms make the patients always think that their chronic prostatitis is not cured, but there is no abnormality when rechecking prostate fluid and B-ultrasound.

In this case, if men blindly emphasize drug treatment, the treatment will go to a dead end. At this time, psychotherapy plays a vital role.

Is "psychotherapy" cure chronic prostatitis alone?

At present, scholars at home and abroad agree that people should not ignore psychotherapy's role in treating patients with chronic prostatitis. The introduction of psychotherapy aligns with the biological-psychological-social medical models.

After alleviating the influence of psychological factors such as anxiety and depression , men can get better performance in sexual life and relieve the dead cycle of symptom psychological, sexual function, which is of great help to patients.

However, does psychotherapy alone really work? I'm afraid there's only one question mark here. What causes the psychological problems of patients, in the final analysis, is the actual symptoms of chronic prostatitis. Although the disappearance of anxiety and depression helps alleviate patients' subjective symptoms to a certain extent, these symptoms do not entirely disappear but still exist repeatedly. Sooner or later, patients will perceive it again, causing a new round of physical and mental blows.

So, patients need to take a combination of drug therapy and psychotherapy.

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