I'm going to teach you a trick that frankly seems a little cruel. Seriously, when you get your man back and tell him you did this just to torture him, he's going to be pissed – but the happy pissed, where is he's actually happy you did it.

Here's the trick, NO MORE CONTACT.Sit tight and read on.

It might sound crazy, but it works. All you have to do is not to initiate contact with your ex for an entire month. It may seem difficult, but if it will you get your ex, then its worth try. Most girls will make excuses to call their ex. Like, "Oh I think I forgot something at your house. Can I come get it?" “I need the book I gave to you, I’ll be coming for it today”. All these acts reeks of desperation and will not help you at all.

Other girls will try to play a guilt trip on their ex or send insulting text messages. That won't work either and will definitely not get him back. Forget all that strategy, since you are doing something far more sinister. You're going to stop making any contact with your ex, and trust me; you're going to have the time of your life doing it.
As a matter of fact, you are obligated to have the time of your life without your ex. Call all your friends you haven't called in months and years - and start having a blast. Even call the girls who are a little crazy and those that your boyfriend always hated. You can call the boys too, but please be careful so that it won’t come off like you're trying really hard to make him jealous. Such act may likely backfire, because if a new boy rejects you it'll make it easy for your ex to see that he made the right decision.
Do everything to you can to have fun all the time you are not calling him and you'll be laying down the perfect foundation for getting your boy back.
Why This Work?
At the moment of you breakup, your boyfriend will still carry some fond feelings for you. It's impossible he doesn't after being so close to you – I am sure you know that. What he's actually doing right now is trying to convince himself that he made the right decision. Arguing with him will only make him argue back and just reaffirm his position, but if you don't argue, he can't reaffirm his position.
Plus, if instead of calling him, you're out having fun, he's going to think maybe you are benefiting most from the break up. I so love this part, it’s the sweetest part, if you ask me. Your ex will definitely wonder why you aren’t devastated and question whether he made the right decision.
Most specialists will advise that if you want to get back your ex, you must pull back a bit, and that’s why this simple trick works perfectly. I know how badly you want to get back with your ex and continue the journey like there was no traffic at all, but you have to be patient and enduring. When you finally get close to your ex, be of your best behavior , make sure you address the issue that caused the break up and avoid it. At this point, you have to use your experience to your advantage, if you are a little confused about what to do, ask your ex, chat with him or her and convince them beyond doubts that you are ready to make this work.
If possible, see a specialist or register in any social dating or relationship sites, where you will get to read articles like this one. Who knows, one of them might contain the answers you have been searching for.

Author's Bio: 

Robert Hawk is the co-owner of www.tipsaboutdating.com ; where he constantly shares the secrets of attraction and seduction . You can also get his free eBook on how to start and succeed in a relationship plus many other tips.