Today’s generation may have a hard time imagining how it was to live a few decades ago, when all the conveniences that we enjoy today in terms of technology were not invented yet.

Today, even if you’re not adept at using the latest technological gadgets and applications, it’s almost a must for you to learn at least the basics about technology if you want to keep up with what the rest of the world is doing.

This is especially true when it comes to mobile phone applications. What used to be a ‘humble’ cellular phone which was only capable of making and receiving calls has evolved into an all-in-one communication device.

Text messaging, browsing the Internet, sending e-mail messages, taking snapshots, making video calls, watching television shows, playing games, listening to music, FM radio and Internet radio – the list of the things that you can do using one nifty device is practically endless.

An Introduction to iPhone Apps

Now, if you are looking for one of the best models of mobile phones ever released, that is none other than the iPhone. Released by Apple Inc. on June 29, 2007, this is a multimedia smartphone which is connected to the Internet.

What sets the iPhone apart from all the handsets available in the market today is the fact that it has a flush multi-touch screen with no physical keyboard, there’s minimal hardware interface and it has almost all the features that you need – not just from a mobile phone – but from an all-in-one communications and multimedia device.

In relation to this, the iPhone 3G version was released on July 11, 2008. Both the original and the 3G versions of the iPhone support third party applications.

There is a wide range of applications which can be installed in the iPhone – but who would have thought that even a good old workout session can be spiced up by iPhone apps.

Read on to find out exactly how physical fitness & technology meet as we reveal the top 10 iPhone apps for your health and fitness .

iPhone Apps for Health, Fitness, Nutrition , Weight Management & Safety

First, here’s a quick look at the types of health and fitness -related applications which can be found installed in iPhones:

iPhone apps for running: Basically, this type of iPhone application will provide you with tracking information. Pedometers, preparing for specific runs and even marathon locations can be done with iPhone apps for running.
iPhone apps for fitness: You will definitely be able to reach your fitness goals much faster if you have fitness iPhone apps installed on your mobile phone. This type of application allows you to keep records of your best time when training, gives you tips on how you can cross-train, track the food for your diet and perform similar functionalities that will help you stay lean and fit .
iPhone apps for nutrition and weight management: The sole focus of these iPhone apps is to help you have a proper diet while you are having an exercise regime at the same time. Applications like a food calorie counter, tracking your meals and weight watcher fall under this category.
iPhone apps for health and safety: Finally, maintaining your safety during a workout, while you are sweating it out on a track and providing general information for your health and safety are additional iPhone apps that you can install on your phone.

A Quick Look at the Top 10 iPhone Apps for Your Health & Fitness

Here are the top 10 iPhone apps that will allow you to meld mobile phone technology with your fitness regime:


This iPhone app is available to download for only $1.99. Rather than relying on a book or a video to view instructions on how you are supposed to do a particular exercise , why not use your iPhone instead?

The iFitness iPhone app gives you photos and instructions for more than 130 exercises.

The good thing about this application is that there are specific exercises that you can follow to address your problem areas – so it will be like having your own personal fitness trainer in the gym.

2. Healthy Cubby Lite Social Fitness

The best way for you to realize your weight loss of fitness goals is by setting realistic goals in the first place. This is exactly what this iPhone app will assist you with. It includes weekly and long-term goals for your weight training, strength training and cardio exercises.

It also allows you to connect with seven friends who can be your workout buddy – so that you can motivate and monitor each others’ progress while making exercising more fun at the same time.

3. Personal Best

This is for the individuals who are serious about their fitness training program. This iPhone app allows you to record your personal best record on different sets of exercises which includes weight training, running and other types of exercises.

4. iMapMyRide

There’s a specific iPhone app for almost everyone. For all the bikers out there, you will definitely have a blast using the iMapMyRide application. It allows you to record and track information about the tracks that you took, you can gain access to the maps of your bike rides and get a lot of other useful information.

The best thing about it is that there is an online version – which you can also access using your iPhone.

5. Nutrition Complete

What sets this iPhone app apart from similar nutrition applications is that it is based from the largest USDA database.

The program allows you to customize a diet and nutritional plan according to your age and gender while providing nutritional information about the foods that you are eating at the same time.

6. Restaurant Nutrition

Want to stay healthy even while dining on gourmet food? This is exactly what the Restaurant Nutrition application will assist you with.

The iPhone app provides nutritional information about the food items from the most popular restaurants in your area.

It even provides you with updated menu information from your favorite dining place – so the minute that your favorite lamb dish is replaced by a new savory delight, you can head out to your favorite restaurant to eat!

7. GoodFoodNearYou

Another healthy eating iPhone application is the GoodFoodNearYou. It helps you stick with healthier eating habits – which start from the food items that you pile up on your grocery cart.

Information about which healthy foods you can buy from diners, fast food restaurants, grocery stores and convenience stores will be provided for you using this iPhone app.

8. Calorie Pad

This weight management application allows you to track the number of calories that you have consumed from the foods that you have eaten.

The Calorie Pad application has access to more than 6,000 products from grocery stores, natural food suppliers and restaurants.

9. Weight Loss Buddy

Another weight loss iPhone app that you can use to reach your fitness goals is the Weight Loss Buddy. This application can serve as your personal fitness coach which provides you with the motivation and inspiration to lose weight.

10. Edibles – Diet Journal

It is always a good idea to keep a food journal if you are serious about meeting your weight loss goals .

With this iPhone app, you can record your daily food intake; track the caloric content and carbs of the foods that you will eat; track your weight and record your progress.

To sum it all up, it’s like your personal journal for dieting.

Remember that some of these iPhone apps are free while some are available for a small fee.

No matter which health, safety, fitness or weight management issue it is that you wish to address, it will be more fun to reach your health and fitness goals when using any of these iPhone applications.

Author's Bio: 

Neelima Reddy, author of this article writes for; which is the premier publisher of health related information and news from around the world. This blog is aimed at helping you better understand the problems you are facing every day and offer suggestions. Health Watch Center