Are you looking for an inexpensive yet powerful health potion to include in your diet ? Look no more. Wheatgrass nutrients pack enough power to lift your energy levels high, make you sleep better, feel good, get rid of toxic substances from your body, build a rock-hard immune-system and make your skin look better.

Let's take a closer look at the building blocks of the mechanism that makes all this possible.

1. The chlorophyll. The chlorophyll molecule is very similar in structure and function to the hemoglobin molecule within our system.

Wheatgrass is abundant in chlorophyll which provides antiseptic benefits such as diminishing foul odors, counteracting strep conditions, healing open wounds and lacerations. It can cure chronic diseases, heal sores, and treats pimples, acne and scars. Chlorophyll helps in increasing blood count, improving blood circulation, blood sugar problems and oxygen intake and distribution in our body. It helps in fighting and preventing the development of bacteria that cause illnesses. Chlorophyll removes toxins from our body, and, together with other wheatgrass nutrients, can help in the prevention and treatment of certain types of cancers.

2. The vitamins.

Vitamin A plays a huge role in maintaining good vision. It also has a role in keeping your skin healthy and is necessary for proper gene transcription;

Vitamin B12 is a vital element in maintaining normal functions of the brain and nervous system, and is essential in blood forming. It plays a huge part in metabolism;

Vitamin C-well known anti-oxidant that, above all, guards your body against free radicals;

Vitamin E-tightens your skin and prevents formation of wrinkles.

3. The elements.

Phosphorus amongst other things, builds strong bones and teeth. It is beneficial in making of ATP which serves the body as energy storage.

Iron is indispensable in formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin. They are proteins that carry oxygen. Hemoglobin is a part of red blood cells and myoglobin is found in muscles.

Calcium is good for bones and teeth, but also for proper nerve signaling and steady heartbeat. Maintaining sufficient levels of calcium prevents onset of osteoporosis.

In addition to these three groups of nutrients, wheatgrass hosts a number of powerful enzymes which act as catalysts to numerous chemical reactions that occur in our bodies virtually every second.

Wheatgrass nutrients coupled with light exercise could make you a healthier, better looking and more vibrant person. It's cheap, easy and available. Grow your own, juice it and reap all the benefits.

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For nutrient rich juice filled with live enzymes, you should use the best juicer , the one that uses gears to chew through your homegrown wheatgrass until all that's left is dry pulp. One such juicer, is the Super Angel 5500 .