Mother Teresa said “I was once asked why I don’t participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I’ll be there”. September 21 was Peace One Day, a day to bring people together with activities and events that focus on creating peace in the world. We need Peace One Day every day.

Whatever we put our thoughts and efforts towards will grow. So what are you placing your thoughts and efforts towards? As soon as we begin to speak negatively about anyone, or any situation we are giving our focus and attention to it, and allowing that negative energy to grow. We should be watchful of the words we speak to others, and articles, books , or movies we recommend.

Our greatest gift that we have each been blessed with is our ability to choose what we think about. If we have negative thoughts plaguing our minds we have the power to release them, and just let them go. What good will come about if we harbour negative thoughts about others? What can you possibly gain from playing the devil’s advocate? Thoughts are things and what we think about we bring about.

Gandhi said it well in just a few words. “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Instead of allowing negative ideas to abound because you do not like what is happening to you or others, stop! Decide what it is that you want to see happen and take the action towards it. Keep your thoughts always upward and positive. Believe and Succeed!

Author's Bio: 

Leisa Olson is a wife, mother, grandmother and certified life coach. With her husband Rick, she has coauthored a book for families and created an online membership community for families called F.U.S.E. at Home.