What Does Success Mean to You?
By Ligia M. Houben, MA, CG-C, CT, CH, ACCP
Life Transitions Consultant and Coach
Certified Grief Counselor
Professional Speaker-Author

"Success is hard work disguised as good luck."-Julio C. Martínez A.

When you hear the word "success" what comes to your mind? To be wealthy? To excel in your career? To have peace of mind? What makes you fulfilled?
As I looked at the definition of success: http://www.webdictionary.co.u/definition.php?query=success
I found the following words very appropriate "an event that accomplishes its intended purpose." It does not refer to any achievement in particular but to realize one's desire or goal. I would add something else: we are successful the moment, we find our purpose, and we embark in the journey. Of course, once we reach our goal is the culmination, but we also need to enjoy the process. If we focus only on the material aspects in life, for example, to be wealthy, we can miss the opportunity to live a meaningful life. Let's take a look at the life of Mother Theresa of Calcutta: do you think she was successful? Did she work hard for Peace ? How do we remember her? We can read the biographies of people who inspire us and see that each one of them worked hard to become successful according to their values.
And this is the message contained in the words of my father, Julio C. Martinez (see quote). As I reflect on his words I realize that any kind of success involves passion and dedication. Many people tend to think that one can achieve success because one is "lucky" but if we ponder on how many people we know are successful in their marriages, careers, in their role in society, as parents, in achieving peace, it is because there was an effort involved. They wanted to succeed and they didn't mind working to attain it! What makes this path wonderful is that we all have our own definition of success as it is expressed in the new book Success is a State of Mind, http://www.ligiahouben.com/chopra.html which is a compilation of interviews of influential people in the area of personal growth . I had the honor to share my own story on how I embarked in this path of helping others transform their losses and transitions and change their lives. Each one of us has our own definition of success according to our values and beliefs.
Do you have a definition of success? Do you want to have that feeling of fulfillment in your life? Keep in mind - your desire comes from the heart combined with effort, purpose and dedication.

Remember, your Life has Meaning!
This was an article published in my newsletter of September. If you want to subscribe to our free monthly newsletter go to www.ligiahouben.com

Author's Bio: 

Ligia Houben is an inspiring and motivating speaker in the area of life transitions, and known for her caring and enthusiastic personality. Ligia has a passion for life and believes all of us are able to fulfill our purpose if we can only change our attitude and beliefs. Her work has been centered in the area of grief and loss, expanding into meaning and growth. Ligia has delivered her message from corporations to hospitals. She works with the bereaved, the person who needs to face a new stage in life, children of aging parents, or people searching for more meaning in their lives. She consults with individuals and corporations on life transitions and spirituality with the purpose of providing tools to transform losses and challenges.Life Transitions Coach, Grief Counselor, Motivational Speaker, Hispanic/Latina

Ligia obtained her B.A. from the University of Miami in Psychology and Religious Studies and a Masters Degree in Religious Studies and Gerontology from Florida International University. She also has a graduate certificate in Loss and Healing from St. Thomas University, a certificate in Thanatology and is a Fellow of the American Academy of Grief Counseling. Besides being a speaker, she is an author, coach, counselor and consultant. She is an adjunct professor of Kaplan University, Florida International University and Miami Dade College where she teaches courses on Ethics, Religion and Death and Dying. More...

Ligia is the author of the self-help book in Spanish Transforma tu perdida. Una antologia de fortaleza y esperanza. The English version, Transform your Loss. An Anthology of Strength and Hope, will be available soon. This book contains "The Eleven Principles of Transformation™" which is a system that involves the emotional, spiritual, and cognitive aspects of the person as they face a transition or loss. Ligia created this system of transformation to help people transform their losses and change their lives.