A friend asked me the following question (she had read my last post about me praying with the doctor who had given me bad news).

“Dear Janet. Question. If you had just met this doctor for the first time, how did you know he would be willing to pray with you? Did you know he was a Christian???”

My answer: I had no clue, no idea, or notion whether he was an atheist, Christian or anything else.

But what I did know was that when he said there was no guarantee, I was 100% sure Jesus was the one who has the ultimate guarantee. He holds all results in His hands, in His power and might.

Knowing that truth, there was no way I’d leave Jesus out of that scene. That’s why in a shameless way, I held the doctor’s and my hubby’s hands and prayed in Jesus’ name.

Bottom line, at that moment, even when a broken toe isn’t really a huge deal, I believe God was watching. He was looking and listening. He observed to whom I would turn first when doc gave bad news. Who would be the one I call out to? And He watched how I lived out what I believe, what I write and speak about.

He was attentive not only the broken part of my body, but more so in the wholeness of my soul because “The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7).

Father, when facing painful circumstances, setbacks, broken plans, disappointments I will look beyond them and see you. I will seek your input, your intervention and your divine ability to bring about results that exceed all expectations. In Jesus’ name, amen.

• What are you facing today that requires divine input?
• How is Jesus leading you through this tough moment?
• How much trust do you have in His power?

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