Depending on which part of the world that you are living in, you may be at a high risk for an earthquake emergency. Earthquakes are one of the most devastating natural disasters that can demolish buildings, structures, and can literally change the landscape.

In the midst of earthquakes there are often many falling objects and even after earthquakes there are still many potential danger as structures may still be unstable and susceptible to further collapse. Therefore, knowing what to do in case of an earthquake could mean the difference between you and your family ’s survival and meeting an early demise.

Of course one of the most important aspects of disaster survival is preparation. Food storage is a viable option for preparing, as well as having a properly made seventy-two hour kit, however, in cases of an earthquake, making sure you survive the event while it is happening going to be your number one priority.

That being said, if you are inside a house at the time an earthquake hits it is important to stay inside and drop, cover, and hold on. Move only a few steps to any nearby safe place and grab on to a heavy piece of furniture or stand against an inside wall.

Make sure that you stay indoors until the shaking stops and you are sure it is safe to exit. Make sure as well to stay away from any windows and doors, and never take an elevator. If you are in bed, stay in bed, hold on, and protect your head with a pillow.

If you are outside, make sure to find a clear spot away from any buildings, trees, and power lines. Drop to the ground until the shaking stops.

If you are in a car, make sure to slow down and drive into a clear place, with no buildings, trees, and power lines. Make sure to turn on emergency flashers and slow to a stop, avoiding stopping on overpasses, underpasses, and bridges. Turn off the ignition and set the parking break and stay inside the car until after the shaking stops.

While it is true that earthquakes are very dangerous and can cause massive amounts of wide-scale damage, following these tips will increase the odds of making it out of the disaster without few or no injuries. The most important part, however, is to stay calm and act with caution and a clear head, doing this will be your best defense against whatever mother nature has to offer.

Author's Bio: 

Cade Lennox is a safety and emergency preparedness expert. He has written hundreds of articles about food storage and other safety tips. He recommends Daily Bread food storage . You can find also Cade on Google+ .