Unfortunately, a great deal of Americans find themselves vocalizing the exact same thing “I should never have went to that timeshare tour!” This is as a result of these Americans went on a holiday and were given an opportunity. Sit through a timeshare tour and be compensated with hundreds of dollars, free theme park tickets or another kind of benefit. When a good amount of of these people go the timeshare tour, they find that they have bought a timeshare that they didn't want and have no now way to use. Feeling like they were mislead, these people don't know what to do! But, what regulations are out there to protect consumers in this situation?

Fortunately, due to a great deal of complaints, there have been quite a few studies that revolve around the timeshare sales process over the past few years. These studies have come to the conclusion that timeshare builders have been using aggressive and forceful sales tactics in the sale of timeshare properties. Because of these conclusive studies, legislators felt like they must put an end to the victimization of Americans in the timeshare sales process. There are now 52 regulations that timeshare builders must abide by when selling timeshares to consumers.

Although, I don't think I have enough room in this article to cover all 52 regulations, I would like to explain the most common broken rules and what people can do about it if they have been victimized:

Tours longer than 90 minutes: Was your timeshare tour longer than on hour and 30 minutes? If so, they should not have allowed you to purchase your timeshare the same exact day. This is because studies shown[/spin] that Americans who are presented timeshares for longer than an hour and 30 days feel more of an urgency to buy the timeshare without rational thought. Therefore, it is against the law for a timeshare developer to continue to the sale of a timeshare directly after a tour that lasted longer than ninety minutes! Also, if people were promised a reward at the end of their tour and attempted to leave after 30 minutes, they should have been given your prize. Once promised a benefit, timeshare companies can only legally turn down a Americans benefit if they try to leave within the first 30 minutes.

False sense of urgency and rushed closings: Did you speak to one timeshare sales representative that seemed extremely friendly, then he left and sent someone stronger in who left and sent a stronger sales rep in until you said yes? When you decided to buy, did you feel rushed in signing your paperwork? These are signs of a false sense of urgency and a rushed closing also known as aggressive and forceful sales tactics that are not tolerated by law in the timeshare sales process.

Investment: Were you told or mislead into believing that your timeshare was an investment that would grow in value only to find that your timeshare will never yield a decent return? This is something that happens to a lot of consumers who are remotely interested in purchasing a timeshare. However, this is not legal because timeshares are known as toxic assets meaning they only cost money and yield very little return if anything.

So what do people do when they feel like they have been victimized by timeshare builders? The simple answer is to give the timeshare back. Sadly it is not that easy. Your best bet would be to look into timeshare cancellation. Timeshare cancellation is a legal process that helps victimized consumers deed their timeshares back to the developers and recover a portion of losses associated with the timeshare!

Author's Bio: 

This article was written by Joshua Rodriguez and brought to you by:

American Resort Resolutions: Timeshare Elimination
A Timeshare 2 Sell: Please Sell My Timeshare , How To Sell Your Timeshare
American Consumer Advocates: Fraud Loss Recovery