A delicious tandem of coffee and milk is the ideal basis for creating delicious varieties of drinks. Among baristas, cappuccino and latte - warming coffee and milk mixes are especially popular. Sophisticated gourmets and professional barista are well aware of the differences between the two drinks, but to some, they seem almost identical. Let's see why coffee aperitifs with the same composition have such a different taste, and how to cook them correctly with the best latte machine .

Distinctive features and similarities

Indeed, the difference between latte and cappuccino is quite substantial. In short, it is as follows: the ratio of the main ingredients, technology stages of preparation, serving and utensils for serving.

Cappuccino, like in latte, should include coffee, milk, sugar. Toppings are added as desired. The key difference is the proportions of the ingredients used, which gives the drinks special taste.

Cappuccino: a classic recipe

Cappuccino coffee comes from Italy, and it is prepared in this way: the bottom layer is espresso, fill it with the third part of the cup. Then, pour pre-chilled and whipped milk in the same volume. The top layer is milk foam, the proportions are the same.

Now, due to the different density of the components, the drink is layered. The main condition is to prevent the mixing of the three components at the cooking stage

Latte: recipe and varieties

In latte, whose homeland is Italy, the same components are used, but in different proportions: The first layer - hot espresso, is the fourth part of the glass.

Add 3/5 of the frothed milk in a warm form (can be replaced with cream).

In the end - milk foam, which makes up a fifth of a glass.

The resulting cocktail is usually served homogeneous, which is achieved in the mixing process. In coffee houses, you will be offered the second version of this drink - Latte macchiato. What is the difference, you ask? This is the same familiar latte proportions familiar to us, but in a different order of adding them: first milk, then coffee is poured in a neat thin stream, the milk foam is placed before serving.

Taste palette

The preparation of latte and cappuccino is significantly different, so the tastes of the drinks are completely different. What tastes better is up to you: rich cappuccino or delicate latte, where there is more milk.

Cappuccino has a catchy coffee flavor. Milk foam masterfully emphasizes the fragrant notes of espresso. Refuse to add sugar - you will feel slightly perceptible astringency and nutty finish. The most delicate latte composition has a mild flavor and a less pronounced coffee bouquet, in which creamy tones are clearly visible.

Milk foam: structure

Coffee foam latte and cappuccino differ in structure. What is the difference? In the first case, it turns out to be loose, is an independent decoration of a cocktail. In the second - more dense, which makes it possible to decorate it with cocoa, grated chocolate, cinnamon in the form of beautiful drawings. To achieve high density, milk is beaten longer than for classic latte or latte macchiato. You can prepare milk foam at home using a French press.

Author's Bio: 

Johnny Fortune is an eternal student of life. Always looking for the next big thing in learning and knowledge.