Our physical and mental functions are controlled through signals transmitted from the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to other parts of the body. However in MS these signals can become interrupted due to the loss of myelin sheath that normally protects nerve fibers and resultant nerve damage. If the nerve fibres carrying signals to the muscles are affected, the person will suffer movement symptoms. Some of the common symptoms in MS are: visual disturbances, weakness or deteriorating muscle strength, fatigue, altered sensation, muscle stiffness or spasms, bladder and bowel problems, sexual dysfunction and memory loss.

Most experts believe that there is no single cause of MS, but it is likely caused by a combination of factors such as: Heredity, geography and climate, the immune system and viruses. Most importantly, if you have been diagnosed with MS, remember that a number of potentially useful treatments are available. Although they cannot cure the disease, they help to manage symptoms, reduce the risk of relapse, slow the development of disability and disease progression.

Is everyone’s MS the same?

While the presentation of MS is varied in different individuals and there is no way to accurately predict how your MS will progress, most people fall under one of these four basic MS classification:

Clinically isolated syndrome (CIS)

This describes a condition where a person has had a single MS flare-up or relapses, which lasted at least 24 hours. Even one flare-up of MS is considered significant. Studies have shown that people with CIS who have MRI-detected brain lesions suggestive of MS may be at higher risk of a second flare-up than those who do not. Therefore, it is advisable to discuss with your treating doctor the benefits of early and continuous therapy in your case.

Relapsing-remitting MS

This describes a condition when a person has had clearly defined flare-ups with some amount of recovery in between. Relapsing-remitting MS affects about 80% of all people diagnosed with MS.

Secondary progressive MS

This describes a condition that seems like a relapsing form of MS in its early-to-mid stages, with relapses and remissions being quite common. Then, a more continuous loss of physical and cognitive functions starts to take over, and flare-ups or relapses become less common. Fifty percent of people with relapsing-remitting MS will develop secondary progressive MS within 10 years of years of their initial diagnosis.

What is MS

This describes a condition when a person has no flare-ups or relapses, but over time, there is a gradual loss of physical and cognitive function. This form of MS affects 10% of all people diagnosed with MS.

You should know that MS can progress even if you do not feel any symptoms at all.

Author's Bio: 

Anju Arora is an avid writer, reader and an 'aesthete'. A digital media marketing enthusiast with prolong experience and understanding of marketing brands online related to health i.e. Multiple sclerosis .