This article points out the key reasons businesses need to get the ISO 45001 certification , which is the internationally accepted accreditation for occupational health and safety (OHS) management.

Employers need to be serious about ensuring the well-being of their workers and must deploy a proactive approach to saving them any work-related mishaps, illnesses, or accidental injuries. Achieving the ISO 45001 certification is the only way to deploy that. This ISO standard is specifically formed for Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management system to help companies of all sizes around the world to protect their workers who contribute to their business with lots of hard work. This standard is not quite structured like other standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, and its requirements are based on the former most accepted OHS standard i.e., OHS 18001. However, it also incorporates the regulations provided by International Labour Organisations, Safe Work Australia, and other regulatory authorities. Thus, achieving it helps a company to achieve compliance with general work safety laws and avoid any potential risks of litigations. There are many further reasons that explain why a company should consider achieving the standard. Let’s find out.

The Importance of the ISO 45001 Certification in Businesses

Establishment of Structured OHS Management Framework

Firstly, the ISO 45001 standard provides requirements for establishing a framework for OHS that helps in identifying all the probable risks or hazards and eliminating them with effective prevention measures. Thus, it helps your company to have a structured OHS management system that is aimed at controlling work-related risks, injuries, or illnesses to ensure workers’ wellbeing and safety.

When the OHS management system is proactively implemented, it helps your organisation with a systematic approach to addressing occupational health and safety matters. It emphasises making your organisation’s management team responsible towards the workers and also makes the workers equally responsible for each other’s safety.

Reduced Costs for Businesses

Lesser accidents at the workplace mean less downtime and that cuts operational costs for your business. Also, when workers face lesser accidental injuries in the workplace, the need for workers’ compensation fees or insurance covers reduces substantially for your organisation. Thus, you can save those costs!

There is also a decrease in the absenteeism in workers due to sicknesses or injuries which prevents any productivity losses and hence, saves costs. Also, the implementation of the OHS management system ensures your business’s compliance with OHS legislation which avoids penalties or litigation costs.

Increase in Stakeholder Confidence

With this international certification ensuring workplace safety in your organisation, you can leave a positive impression on your business’s stakeholders. It demonstrates to them that you value the people who work for your business and that you have chosen the most effective approach to ensure their safety. That is supposed to make your business look more reliable to the stakeholders and they would strive to retain their relationship with your company, even in the long run.

Safer Workplace Results in Higher Employee Motivation

Of course, when employees or workers feel safe at your workplace, they tend to perform better and contribute to higher productivity . It motivates them to do better because they understand that the company is doing everything to safeguard their health and make them less prone to any risks. With the improved performance of your employees, your business can produce more output and make more money. Thus, ISO 45001 ultimately trickles down to your company’s profitability and bottom line.

While these explain why businesses need to achieve the ISO 45001 certification, many are still not realising its importance and following general OHS practices for ensuring their workers’ safety. However, there is no bar on the type of businesses or size of companies to achieve this certificate. There are many business-related direct benefits that come through this certification and that is why every company should get it. While it proves to the outside world that your company values employee safety, it creates a differentiation point between your company and other competitors. Thus, it acts as a major plus point while getting into any contractual agreement with firms or companies. From achieving competitive advantage to getting recognised in the industry and gaining the trust of clients and stakeholders, a business can get many positive outcomes by certifying with the ISO 45001 standard.

Author's Bio: 

Damon Anderson is the owner of an ISO consultancy firm that help organisations of all sizes or types to achieve ISO certifications relevant to their processes, management systems, or products. He is a specialised consultant for the ISO 45001 certification and has gathered widespread knowledge on the OHS management framework and likes to share some with entrepreneurs through his write-ups.

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