If a public relations (PR) agency doesn't buy ads and advertising, doesn't write stories for reporters, doesn't put up billboards, and doesn’t create catchy phrases to get people to buy more products. Then what does it do?

Although advertising and public relations agencies share one goal: to promote clients to position themselves as successful, important, interesting or relevant organizations, the paths and activities to achieve this brand recognition are very different.

Most people understand that advertising, both in traditional and digital media, is paid for by the customer and this causes it to be viewed with some skepticism. On the contrary, traditional and digital public relations can support companies in all phases of their growth, promoting them through editorial coverage, from spreading their stories on websites or social networks, to what we know as earned media.

This presence in earned media, as well as the participation of corporate spokespersons in said media, have the advantage of granting the validation of trusted third parties and in general the audiences see such content in a more organic and favorable way.

The Public Relations Society of America defines public relations management as: anticipating, analyzing, and interpreting public opinion, attitudes, and issues that may affect, for better or worse, an organization's operations and plans.

Functions of a public relations agency

  • Advise all levels of the organization regarding decisions on policies, lines of action and communication, taking into account the public repercussions and the social responsibility that the organization has with its stakeholders.
  • Investigate, conduct and continuously evaluate, action and communication programs to achieve the understanding of their audiences and ensure the success of the objectives of an organization: positioning, building reputation and positive image, crisis management, employee relations , the community, the organic influencers, among other programs.
  • Create a public relations plan and implement efforts to influence the public's perception of a brand, as well as create ambassadors or spokespersons through internal communication.
  • Maximize the discoverability of the brand, at the points of contact with its regular and potential customers, who during their purchase journey seek information according to their specific interests and motivations, and in the formats they like to consume.
  • Generate relevant, educational, entertaining, current and SEO-optimized content with search keywords, for your different audiences, in order to create an emotional bond and engagement.
  • Expand business contacts through opportunities or forums for visibility, networking , assistance and/or sponsorship of events.
  • Analyze the organization, find its key messages and transform this information into relevant brand stories.

Tactics carried out by a public relations agency

Traditional Media – Traditional media has evolved in recent years, turning digital. Most of them now have websites, television and/or online radio, and generate a large part of their income through online subscription, digital advertising and online sponsored content.

These traditional new school media have social networks where they share published content, in addition to their journalists using these channels to make live reports and share content. These “new” media add weight and validity to what is shared, thus representing a great opportunity for brands to create awareness through trusted third parties.

Content marketing – generation and distribution of relevant, educational, entertaining, current and optimized content to maximize discoverability throughout a comprehensive communication strategy, creating an emotional bond and engagement. It can be a press release, articles and editorial collaborations about the company, the industry and topics of interest in its markets, content for own or earned blogs, visual or audio content for social networks.

Influencer marketing – is a type of social media marketing that uses endorsements and product mentions from influencers – individuals who have a dedicated social media following and are seen as experts in their niche. Organic micro-influencers in the industry can be used, with the aim of building digital relationships and creating mutually beneficial plans, increasing the identity and digital reputation of the brand.

Face-to-face, digital or hybrid events – create and execute special events designed for stakeholders. This provides an opportunity to expand business contacts, through networking visibility, event attendance and/or sponsorship, and drive website traffic, increasing leads and generating brand awareness on social media. .

Reputation Management – define recovery and communication strategies in crisis situations, using online tools to monitor brand mentions and respond to positive or negative reviews, comments and online conversations.

Mogul Press plays important role in PR

A PR agency is a group of people or individuals that combine to produce a single plan to promote a company or product. However, PR agencies are not only there to help companies market their products — they also do it for the benefit of their clients. In the modern world where a growing number of people are becoming involved in the digital revolution, the use of social media is not just something that helps make a great deal of money, but it is also a very powerful way of connecting with customers.

Public relations and communications agencies are a powerful way to help your business grow, publicize your products, and find new customers. However, it can be difficult to know the difference between a good public relations or communications agency (PRSA) and a bad one, or which one is the best possible option for your business.

Public relations and communications are not just a business but also a necessity for any business that does not have a presence in social media. Because of the online community, a business can interact with their customers and followers through social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and more. Social media is becoming one of the most effective ways to market your business and promote your brand.

Mogul Press is a public relations and communications company that specializes in helping small businesses, creative agencies and nonprofits to get the word out. We help develop new campaigns, launch social media campaigns, drive conversions, market your products and services, and ultimately increase the sales of your products and services.

Mogul Press is a public relations and communications agency that specializes in creating successful marketing campaigns, media coverage, and events. We help students, students at a middle school, and bloggers reach their goals by providing them with effective marketing campaigns, media coverage, event management and event planning. We know that social media is the new medium for marketing and we understand that in order to have a successful campaign you must be as active as possible in your social media accounts.

Author's Bio: 

Jose tristan