Bad breath can be very embarrassing. One of the best ways to avoid or get rid of it is to know what is causing it. However, if you have been religiously brushing and flossing and yet the unpleasant smell is still there, what could be causing it? There are several causes of bad breath after brushing. It can be caused by certain health conditions, foods or other habits . The good news is that many of these can be treated, so you can quickly be on your way to having fresh-smelling breath once again.

Dental Appliances

Poor-fitting dental appliance can be a breeding ground for bacteria. For instance, dentures that do not fit properly or are not cleaned regularly can harbor bacteria and particles that can cause bad odor. Talk to your dentist on how to properly clean your dental appliance, or if necessary adjustments can be made to ensure a proper fit.

Dry Mouth

Saliva helps cleanse the mouth by neutralizing acids and washing away odor-causing particles. Without it, bad odor can happen. Take for example the well-known morning breath, which happens because dry mouth naturally happens when you are sleeping. In some cases, though, dry mouth can be a sign of an underlying health issues, and can be caused by certain medications or salivary gland problems.

Food Intake

Most of the time, the cause of your unpleasant breath is what you are eating. Food with garlic or onions will have to pass through the body first before the odor is completely eliminated. Brushing and flossing will only cover up the scent for a short while. Try to take a look at your diet to see if your regular food intake might be the cause.

Smoking or Chewing Tobacco

As many people already know, tobacco products can cause a distinct oral odor. Those who chew or smoke it are more likely to develop gum disease, which is another cause of bad breath. It will not be an easy feat, but the easiest cure for this cause of bad breath is to completely stop addicting habit.

Gum Disease

Bad breath can be a symptom of a bigger dental problem like gum disease, which is caused by plaque buildup on the teeth. Poor oral care can cause gum irritation and bacteria formation that can damage the gums and jawbone if left untreated. Ask your dentist how to better manage your oral health to prevent or cure gum disease.

Tonsil Stones

Tonsil stones form when food debris and dead cells collect in the tonsils and harden into small white formations. They rarely lead to serious complications, but one of its most common symptom is bad breath. Trapped debris can grow bacteria and cause a bad odor. Small tonsil stones can be easily be removed using a Q-tip at home, while bigger ones will require the help of a medical professional.

Other Conditions

There are some cases where bad breath still persists even after brushing, which can be a sign of a more serious health problem. Diseases, like certain cancers, can cause bad breath along with some metabolic disorders. Excessive stomach acid caused by gastroesophageal reflex disease or GERD can also be a culprit.

If you have chronic bad breath and brushing and flossing have not helped, your first step is to visit your dentist. It might be caused by improper brushing and flossing techniques, and they can help improve your oral care routine . Otherwise, they can refer you to a physician to help you get to the bottom of it all. Either way, bad breath should never be ignored because it can be a sign that you have a serious underlying issue.

Author's Bio: 

Ryan Daniel is a professional Dentist in Castle Hills of Lewisville, The Colony, Tx and genuinely care about the health and well being of teeth and gums. Visit my website: D. Dental