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Octopus Competitive Intelligence Competitive Strategy consulting agency
What Can Octopus Competitive Intelligence do For Product Management Teams?
21/05/2022 | Octopus

This is an image of a Mechanical cogs wheels character made of clockwork gears and elements for an article called What can Octopus Competitive Intelligence do for Product Management teams by Octopus Competitive Intelligence consulting agency research your competitorsWhat can Octopus Competitive Intelligence do for Product Management teams?

Competitive Intelligence is the Product Manager’s must-have tool, so you can:

Better understand your markets
Decide where to pitch against competitorsAnd know what’s next
We realise that Product Managers’ Competitive Intelligence needs to be usable. Otherwise, it’s completely useless. Without any actionable strategy from the insight, you might as well not bother. There’s more insight than pretty battle cards and status quo encouraging benchmarking.

Highly experience teamWe are highly experienced in working with Product teams. And they know we go beyond data, facts and figures. We deliver the insight and more certainty to tell your story:

In the right way
To the right peopleBy the right channel
And to give your products a future proof competitive advantage. To help make the product resilient, robust, scalable and ready for the fight. Intelligence is knowing the right answers to:

1. What’s coming next?
Understand competitor products
How are they planning to outflank you?
Why are they doing what they do?
And why your customers could be attracted to them?
2. What are the best decisions and actions to take?
Improve your productivity . Focusing on winnable activities and product features and benefits. Making you stand out ahead of your competitors
Provide an early warning of competitive threats
Make better strategic decisions and take action
Stay ahead of the game by exploiting your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses
3. Where are they winning?
Be more informed, so you are open to out-innovating them
Stay fresh in the industry
Create exciting products
Identify alternative marketing channels your competitors are successfully using to market their products. And finding the channels, they are failing to take advantage of
And we are confidential and unbiased
Completely impartial Intelligence
Critical and focused and will save you time and money
Unbiased news, views, truth and relevant analysis
Understand that battlecards are a reporting tool, not the insight its self
Allow us to talk to people without fear of compromise or embarrassment.

Feel free to get in touch with usWe are extremely experienced in desk, primary and field investigations. Our bespoke Competitive Intelligence powers increase revenue and boost your bottom line.

So what can Octopus Competitive Intelligence do for Product Management teams?Feel free to get in touch for a no obligation, commitment-free consultation

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Octopus Competitive Intelligence consulting agency | Your competitive advantage starts here #compintel #competitoranalysis#morecertainty