Cooking is great fun for many and everybody wants their own dishes to taste to amazing. But there are times when we feel really exhausted and weary after a hectic day of work, or if you are a housewife then there are times when you need time for yourself and cooking is just not the activity you would want to do, or if you are a student living in pg then all you have to do is – work all by yourself and cook too and we totally get the annoying feeling of reluctance towards cooking after maybe a bad day. But cooking is fun and that is established by facts that, cooking is simple and easy if we knob it properly by knowing a few effortless recipes which are given below-:

Magical yet Super Healthy Salads:Cucumbers are the primary ingredient for all healthy salad recipes . Just cut the cucumbers according to your favourite shapes and sizes, put in a bowl along with onion, tomatoes, coriander, red and green chillies, lime juice, vegetable oil and chopped peanuts. Fuse it all well and you are good to go.

Chutney egg sandwich: One of the most mouth-watering and simple recipe is of a delicious egg sandwich. Start with making pudina-coriander chutney, gradually shift towards making hard-boiled eggs and prepare veggies of your desire. After it is done, place the veggies and hard-boiled eggs on top of the bread slices and top it with their other half. Serve with the chutney and this will become the best egg sandwich ever.

Tomato egg curry: Probably one of the smoothest egg recipes ever, this one is a quintessence of Indian cuisine. Heat the oil, let the mustard seed pop, add cumin seeds and curry leaves and cook for 30 seconds. Put the chopped onion and cook until it’s softened. Include the tomato, turmeric, chilli powder, coriander, cumin and salt. Add the eggs and garam masala and shadow the eggs with onion masala. Cover it all and simmer for 2 minutes. Eventually, stir the coconut milk and it’s done. Here is the steps to cook this recipe .

Pasta blend with tomatoes: Because pasta makes our heart goes wow. It’s the one dish we have as much as we want to and become even more happier. If pasta is your thing, we know the way. A painless way to make pasta at home is to heat the oil over a frying pan on medium heat. Mix in the tomatoes and tomato paste, parsley and sugar. Side by side prepares the pasta by boiling it in salted water according to the direction of the packet.

Fried rice with fridge leftovers: Rice are one of the easiest and fastest to make dish for all time. Plus, if you are smart, you can even have it heavenly. Just take anything you’ve in your fridge, chicken or fish or anything. Take out your favourite veggies and chop it finely. Put garam masala, Indian bay leaf, ghee and top it with boiled rice and again top it with chicken and keep let it cook by itself. Again top it with rice and fried veggies, and rice again and eventually fuse it well. You’re done.

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With the help of these delicious simple egg recipes , healthy salad recipes–one can swiftly cook and fill themselves with love and grace.
All the recipes lead to a mouth-watering dish that can be prepared in just few minutes- no more waiting for having delicious meal. These recipes will not only help us cook better but also ace up our cooking abilities with the minimalist ingredients.