Fenugreek is also called as methi in Hindi. It is an essential part of Indian spices and used in food not only for enhancing the taste in food but also provide some essential health benefits.  The herb is used to treat cramps, bloating, indigestion, diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, arthritis , liver toxicity, and several other disorders.


  • Latin name:      Trigonella foenum graecum
  • Family :             Fabaceae
  • Kingdom:         Plantae
  • Sub-Kingdom: Viridiplantae
  • Infra Kingdom: Streptophyta (Land Plants)
  • Super Division: Embryophyta
  • Division:        Tracheophyta (Tracheophytes or Vascular Plants)
  • Sub Division:  Spermatophytina (Spermatophytes or Seed Plants)
  • Class:              Magnoliopsida
  • Order:              Fabales
  • Genus:              Trigonella L. (fenugreek)
  • Species:            Trigonella foenum-graecum L. (T. foenum-graecum) – Sickle Fruit fenugreek


  • English Name-    Fenugreek, Sickle Fruit fenugreek, Greek hay
  • Hindi Name-       Methi
  • Sanskrit Name-   Methika
  • Tamil Name-       Vendhayam
  • Tegulu Name-     Menthulu
  • Gujrati-                Methi, Methini
  • Marathi-              Methi


It is an annual plant in the family (Fabaceae). It is cultivated worldwide as a semi-arid crop. Fenugreek is used as a common ingredient in dishes from the south and central Asia.  Also native to southeastern Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia. India is a major producer. Rajasthan covers 80% of India’s output. Methi is hard by nature and a fast growing plant. It is grown on uncultivated land, hillsides, and dry grasslands. It grows in just about any type of soil but requires sunlight.


It is an annual plant, with leaves consisting of three small obovate to oblong leaflets. Flowers are white or yellowish white, axillary and have 5 petals which make up what is referred to a banner, wing, and keel. Leaves are the pinnate and trifoliate compounds leaves. Flowers produce seeds pods that are 6 inches long and resemble string beans, but methi fruits grow upright. Each pod contains 10 to 20 dull yellow, smooth, hard, and elongated seeds.

Chemical composition:

Steodial saponins- diosgenin & gitogenin from seeds; tigogenin, trigonelloside, yomogenin, tetosides, gracium A, B, C, H,I, J, K, L, M; trigofoenosides, oil, choline, triggonelline, yamogenin, gitogenin, diosgenin and neotigogens etc. Seeds are rich in vitamins- thiamin, folic acid, riboflavin, niacin, b6, vitamin A, C and K.  It also contains copper, potassium, calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, manganese, and magnesium.

Medicinal properties:

  • Guna ( qualities)- Laghu- light to digest, Snigdha- unctuous, oily
  • Rasa( taste)- Katu- pungent, Tikta- bitter
  • Vipaka- Katu- undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion
  • Veerya- Ushna- hot potency
  • Effect on tridoshas- Balances Kapha and Vata doshas.
  • Part used- Seeds, Whole plant


  • Methika, methini, vallari
  • Bahuparni: numerous leaves and twigs
  • Petha beeja- yellow seeds
  • Bahubeeja: numerous seeds
  • Deepani, bhogni, ugra- improves taste,  digestion

According to Ayurveda – benefits:

  • Vatahara- It is useful in treating disorders of Vata doshas such as neuralgia, bloating, constipation, paralysis etc.
  • Deepani – Improves digestion strength.
  • Worsen Raktpitta- It is beneficial in bleeding disorders such as nasal bleeding, and heavy periods etc.
  • Kaphahara- balances kapha, useful in a productive cough, asthma, bronchitis, and chest congestion.
  • Improves breast milk secretion- Its seed paste or powered – 5 to 10 gm, once or twice a day, is administered to lactating mother.


  • Anti-microbial
  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-carcinogenic
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Anti-hypertensive
  • Anti-hyperglycemic
  • Pancreas stimulant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic
  • Nervine tonic
  • Neuroprotective
  • Digestive stimulant
  • Carminative
  • Antispasmodic
  • Anti-rheumatic
  • Galactagogue
  • Emmenagogue
  • Sialagogue (increases saliva secretion)


  • Abdominal colic pain
  • Aruchi – Anorexia
  • Prameha- urinary tract disorders, type 2 diabetes
  • Digestive disorders

Therapeutic indication:

  • Methi is indicated internally in many conditions like high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, fevers, asthma, digestive issues, and externally for mastitis, swelling, and burns.
  • Fenugreek is an herb which nourishes the tissues and encourages the healthy flow of nutrients and energy throughout the body by keeping channels relaxed and open.
  • Taking 600 mg of fenugreek extract for six weeks had an appositive effect on male strength, wellbeing, as well as sexual arousal and stamina, it is helpful in reproductive health.
  • Gas formation in alimentary canal.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Fenugreek is beneficial in inflammation.

Benefits of fenugreek:

Reduces inflammation inside the body:

It reduces inflammation such as in mouth ulcers, boils, bronchitis, TB, chronic cough, and kidney ailments. Fenugreek leads to slow absorption of sugars in the stomach and stimulates insulin production. It breaks the stuck energies and cool inflammation within the body. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant property of fenugreek fights inflammation in the body.

Improves digestion:

People suffering from stomach ailments , fenugreek can be boon. It is a natural digestive tonic, and its lubricating properties help to soothe your stomach and intestines. Thus helps to prevent constipation, stomach ulcers, gastritis, and indigestion.

Improves cholesterol level:

Helps to lower the cholesterol level, especially bad cholesterol or LDL in the body. Fenugreek seeds have a flavonoid named naringenin that lowers the lipid levels in those with high cholesterol.

Arthritis :

According to Ayurvedic practitioners, the seeds of fenugreek helps in the recovery of arthritis and sciatica pain. For this, taking 1 gram fenugreek powder and dry powder with a little warm water twice a day is beneficial for this.

Diabetes mellitus:

To stay away from this disease, take 1 tsp.  Of fenugreek powder with water twice daily. In addition, soak a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a cup of water and leave for overnight. Drink its water in the morning. This reduces the serum lipid level and weight is also balanced.

Protects against cancer:

Studies have shown that fiber in fenugreek can prevent cancers. The saponin and mucus in the fenugreek bind to the toxins in the food and release them from the body, thus protecting the colon's sputum membranes from cancer.

Help in weight loss :

Fenugreek seeds prevent the accumulation of fat and improve lipid and glucose metabolism in weight loss .

Promotes milk flow in breastfeeding ladies:

This herb is phystestrous, which increases milk production in lactating mothers. Fenugreek can increase the milk supply of breast milk because it acts as a galactogogue.

Reduce menstrual cramps:

Fenugreek seeds help to reduce the pain of menstruation as well as other symptoms related to menstruation. Fenugreek contains a substance called diozaginin which treats the same as estrogens. It helps in cutting stress, dizziness, and lack of sleep and symptoms of menopause.

Reduces heart risk:

Its seeds contain 25% galactomyannan. It is a kind of natural soluble fiber which is especially related to a decrease in cardiovascular disease.

Increases libido in men:

Some uses of fenugreek seeds for men are in hernias, erectile dysfunction, and treatment of other diseases. Fenugreek can also increase the level of sexual arousal and testosterone.

External uses:

  • Seed paste improves local blood circulation, relieve pain and inflammation in wounds, abscess, boils and swelling.
  • Methi powder applied on the skin as cosmetic.
  • Application on hairs prevents hair fall.
  • Pessaries made up of methika used in case of leucorrhoea.
  • Methi powder mixed with honey bee wax relieves chest pain.
  • Infusion of leaves is used as a gargle for recurrent mouth ulcers.
  • Best for an ordinary sore throat.


  • Causes loose stool if taken in more quantity.
  • Fenugreek is a uterine stimulant, therefore the extra dose can cause adverse contraction of the adverse uterus that can come to early labor.
  •  When taken more than the mouth, it can cause gas, swelling, and diarrhea.
  •  Common symptoms of allergy to fenugreek are, nasal congestion, coughing, wheezing and facial swelling.

Planet Ayurveda :

Planet Ayurveda offers fenugreek capsules as herbal supplement free from chemicals, additives, and colors. This product is good for digestive system, diabetes, weight loss , and bronchitis. It is completely a natural product.

Dosage: 1 or 2 capsules twice a day with plain water after meals.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Vikram Chauhan is an expert Ayurveda consultant for various Ayurvedic institutes in Europe, India, and Asia. He is running an Ayurvedic healing center in Chandigarh, India and experienced doctor in Ayurvedic medicine. Websites- WWW.PLANETAYURVEDA.COM , WWW.ALWAYSAYURVEDA.COM , E-mail ID- herbalremedies123@yahoo.com (Put Attn: Dr. Vikram Chauhan in Subject line) Call : + 91-172-5214030 (For Appointments & Products)