1-easy to get hungry and eat more

Because the sugar in the body is excreted as urine sugar, the food eaten is not enough to maintain the calories needed by the body, which causes the patient to always feel hungry, so he eats a lot, but still feels hungry and does not eat much. People with sweets have also begun to eat a lot of sweets. If the above-mentioned early symptoms of diabetes appear, it is necessary to consider whether they are suffering from diabetes, and need to go to the hospital in time.

2- Numb hands, cramps in the feet

People with diabetes often experience numbness of hands and feet, trembling hands and feet, inability to move fingers and pains, severe neuroinflammatory foot pain, paralysis of lower limbs, low back pain , not wanting to walk, calf cramps at night, ocular motor nerve palsy, attention is different from the eyes Clearly, there are symptoms such as autonomic nervous system disorders, which are the early symptoms of diabetes.

3-fatigue, white urine

Diabetic patients often feel fatigued for no reason, especially when going up and downstairs. The urine is white and has a sweet and sour smell. If you have the above early symptoms of diabetes, you must go to the hospital in time. Early detection and early treatment are better to control blood sugar and prevent diabetes complications.

4. Sudden vision loss

When vision loss such as myopia or blurred vision that occurs suddenly or rapidly worsens, you can consider checking your blood sugar if you can't find the cause.

5: postprandial hypoglycemia

In the early stage of diabetes, the process of insulin secretion is slow. When the peak of insulin secretion is reached, the peak of postprandial blood glucose has passed, so hypoglycemia may occur. If dizziness, palpitation and other low blood sugar symptoms often occur in the middle of two meals, beware of the possibility of diabetes.

6. Itchy skin

When the skin of the body often has unexplained itching, especially in the elderly, in addition to considering senile skin itching, the possibility of diabetes cannot be ruled out, and blood sugar should be checked in time.

Pathogenesis of diabetes

The first is genetic factors. As we all know, diabetes is actually a hereditary disease. According to clinical-related genetic studies, there are significant differences in the incidence of diabetes among blood relatives and non-blood relatives. Under the circumstances, the former is 5 times higher than the latter. In the cause of diabetes type I, the importance of genetic factors has reached 50%, and in type II diabetes, its importance has reached more than 90%.

In addition, there is also a relatively close relationship between the onset of the disease and the mental factors of the body. In the past ten years, according to people's research, the role of mental factors in the occurrence and development of diabetic patients has been confirmed. People often think that the body's mental tension, emotional excitement and various stress states, it will often cause the body to increase the secretion of blood sugar hormones, which will lead to the clinical development of diabetes.
At present, people also believe that obesity leads to an important cause of clinical diabetic disease. According to professionals, there are about 60%-80% of adult diabetic patients in clinical practice, and they are all obese before the onset of the disease. In other words, the degree of body obesity and the incidence of diabetes often show a positive relationship. It is particularly important to note that for clinically obese and fatty elderly, its existence is often the main reason for the clinically significant increase in the incidence of diabetes.
How to prevent diabetes

1. Lose weight

Diabetes prevention guidelines in various countries have clarified the relationship between obesity , overweight and diabetes. Not only diabetes, but also various metabolic abnormalities are related to it, and the more overweight the greater the risk of disease. As long as you can lose weight, you can benefit. After adulthood, the main fat is the waist and abdomen. Although some people have normal body mass index, they have a lot of fat in the waist and abdomen. Through reasonable exercise , the first thing to reduce is the waist and abdomen fat. And simply dieting and not exercising may not lose fat, and may lose muscle. With fewer muscles, blood sugar may be more unstable.

2. Walk 30 minutes a day

150 minutes of aerobic exercise should be performed every week, which can be divided into 5-6 days, that is, about 30 minutes a day. Among all sports , walking is the most suitable for people, and it is not restricted by venue and time. It is safer, pace and pace can be adjusted by themselves, and the damage to joints is less.

3. Drink coffee in moderation

Drinking coffee can reduce the risk of diabetes. Professor Tian Hui explained that coffee has a diuretic effect, it can also refresh your body and help your body burn some calories, which is good for metabolism. But drinking coffee in moderation, no more than 3 cups a day, otherwise there is a risk of decalcification and osteoporosis. In addition, it is better to get up early to drink, which can drain excess water from the body and be more awake all morning.

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Hi, As an author, I have written so many articles on health & fitness. This article is about diabetes.

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