Initially, all the miners follow the concept and practice of using the GPU (graphical processing unit) as the mining hardware with the combination of the CPU (central processing unit) with a good core clock frequency but due to low hash rate, less reliability, and more power consumption, this practice has to be eliminated as they cause functional errors more often where this process increase expenses for a mining rig. The alternative was a must in the condition and miners were very please with the mining rigs' masterpiece of the ant miner series miners which are more capable, less hectic to tear down though expensive.

However, any mining equipment may fail during operation. So, what replacement parts can be used to replace the faulty parts?

The chipset of the mining rigs is not so simple to understand, but on the other hand, it is also not so much harder to grab the architecture understanding of this very hardware. Talking about basics, a mining rig is including the hash board , the control board, the PSU (Power supply unit), and the miner itself. The power supply unit being the powerhouse for driving the whole system is of most importance commonly. The Antminer power supply is the same as of any gaming rig power supply, but technically realizing the usage of the miner rig and the power throttle of the Antminer chipsets, many companies such as Zeusmining, EVGA, WAGO Corporation, and many other manufactures in the world provide the best capable power supplies which are for sure best to run these rigs at their best.

Antminer chips for supposing for the Antminer S9 nanotech chipset of 16-14 nm power consumption is not an issue, but due to the processing power once desired out of this chipset push the user to place a good rated power supply of 1600 Watts DC which are not even costly and are easily replaced in case of its burning out. One can also rely on the used power supply as it does not affect the performance but for sure due to its 24/7 usage lifetime of that particular power supply may be less than expected.

The second expensive part is the hash board itself which is actually the master controller of the mining process, replacing it is a good option because it may be affordable, and buying second hand or used is the first step to an interesting journey for mining, because their life may turn out to be much less than expected. Repairing it might save you a good sum of money.

Antminer S series is the most powerful in the matter of crypto mining with two driving components of ant miner chipset and the second is the power supply unit. Some S series ant miner chipset technologies with the recommended power supplies are given in the following table formed:

Antminer  Series

Chipset technology

Recommended Power supply unit


22 nm

1800 watts DC


16 nm

1600 watts DC


7 nm

1200 watts DC

The table is a mere comparison of the chipset and the power supply unit under the light of mining we recommend you to buy the ant miner S9 because of its good hash rate more reliability and moderate power supply the whole setup will cost you around $3000 to $3500 because the system you use might not even give a penny as a profit while this setup gives you the profit of ranging $0.56 to $1.78 per day. Which seems to be good profit in every term of upgrading and replacing as well.

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional blogger/writer and have been writing as a freelance writer for various websites. Now I have joined one of the most recognized platforms in the world.