When you buy a new apartment or buy a house, there is always some work to do first until you feel really comfortable. Besides painting walls and renovating bathrooms, it is also often the floor that is to be renewed. Leveling an uneven floor may be one of the first things you need to do.

From carpet to laminate, from parquet to carpet - no matter how you want to replace it, usually this is not a difficult task - provided the surface is level. Not infrequently, however, come true lunar landscapes under the old floor to light. Simply putting up the new floor is not a good idea. Especially with laminate, you would have strong Verlegeschwierigkeiten. The tension between tongue and groove would be too big and over time the new flooring would crack. Before you get angry afterward, you should balance the ground accurately.

By the way: uneven floors are not only found in old buildings. Even when tearing out the carpet, it can happen that the screed takes damage, because simply residues are removed from the adhesive with. What can still be laminated well with carpet and plastic flooring is a serious shortcoming in parquet and laminate. So take your time and level the floor properly.

1. Which Product Should Be Used?

The range of floor leveling compound for wood is large and aligned to the various substrates mentioned. In any case, the mass is available in powder form. The handyman then has to mix them with water and pour them over the ground in a liquid state in order to balance them. There is a floor leveling compound for wood subfloors to buy.

2. How Can The Material Requirement Be determined?

It is often difficult to tell at first glance how much balancing weight is needed. The first thing to do is to determine the height differences within the respective area. Use a hose scale for this purpose. First, the height of the corners in the room and the center of the room are determined. If the ground is uneven, this results in a difference. Remember this difference in height. Add the determined values and divide this sum by the number of measuring points.

You will now receive an average for the existing height difference. If you have an average of ten millimeters and are in a 20 square meter room, then you need 240 kg of balance mass for the entire area, provided that the manufacturer has specified the consumption at 1.2 kg / m² per millimeter layer thickness.

3. What Preparations Are Needed?

Before you balance the soil, it should be prepared accordingly. You have to create a clean and stable ground. The substrate must be firm, clean, dry and free from any substances that could affect the adhesion of the leveling compound. Regular ventilation or heating of the respective room bring it to the desired temperature.

The humidity in the room can be determined with the help of a hygrometer. Too high humidity is achieved by ventilation or the use of moisture-binding salts. Plants in the room create higher humidity.

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