
The below article talks about the top 8 DOs and DON’Ts you must follow when waiting for professional commercial electrical companies to arrive for your needs.

What to do when waiting for the commercial electricians to come? Well, calling pro commercial electrical companies is a must when encountering ‘electrical hazards.’ With years of experience and skills, they’ll be the best ones to help you. Using the right tools and techniques, they can ensure the safety of your place and loved ones.

Unlike residential electricians, commercial ones come with valid licenses and certifications to carry out complex electrical jobs. If you’re having an electrical hazard in the office or building, you should contact a commercial electrician to resolve the matter. But no matter, how quickly they’ve responded, it’ll still take some time for them to arrive.

So, what’ll you do when waiting for your electricians to come? Let’s explore that in the following article.

What to do and not do when waiting for your commercial electricians to come?

It’d be better to do certain things to ease the work of the commercial electricians. But often we become too excited about making their work easy and end up making it too hard for them. Thus, it’s a must to check things you should do and not do when waiting for the electricians,

Here’re things you shouldn’t do,

1. DON’T touch the fallen wires and power lines. Electricity is dangerous and thus, touching the power lines can harm you. The power lines come with a higher voltage than your residential wires. Thus, you must be careful around you.

2. DON’T try to fix anything when the electricity is turned ON. You should avoid doing any repairs on the electrical system yourself. Yet, some easy things you can do like replacing a bulb, when waiting for the electricians. But ensure that the main power switch is OFF to avoid accidents.

3. DON’T touch a person who’s electrocuted. No matter how much you want to do first-aid on your electrocuted loved ones, you must refrain from doing that for your own safety. Most people who’ve got an electrical shock may still be in contact with the current. Touching them without precautions can trigger electricity and harm you badly.

4. DON’T follow any DIY electrical fixing tips without caution. Even though people want to help the electricians, that doesn’t mean that they’ll be reckless without any caution. Make sure that you’re following the electrician’s instructions and not any mere DIY tips to fix the electrical issues.

Here’re things you should do,

1. DO limit the extension cords’ use. Even though they’re convenient, you should limit their use during an electrical hazard to avoid overloading the power board. Often it can lead to a short circuit and electrical fire. Hence, it’d be best to limit the uses.

2. DO keep fire extinguishers handy. Ensure to get fire extinguishers (suitable for electrical fires). During unforeseen moments, if the building catches an electrical fire, you can utilise it to stop it.

3. DO dry your hands before touching any electrical appliances and tools. Mixing water and electricity is one of the worst things. Water acts as a power conductor and hence, it can cause electrical hazards if comes into contact. Besides, touching electrical equipment with wet hands can also give you an electric shock or do something more dangerous.

4. DO keep the pets and kids away (for buildings). If the electrical hazards are in a building or apartment, there’ll be kids and pets . Leaving them around in the affected area can lead to further damage. Thus, ensure that the kids and pets are away from the electrical issues and keep them safe.

Final thought,

Are you facing any electrical hazards in your office or housing complex? Instead of trying out any DIY tips, contact professional commercial electrical companies. All you’ll have to do is ensure that they’re the right ones for the job.

Author's Bio: 

The author runs one of the best commercial electrical companies in Australia. For years, he’s helped many people with various electrical issues. Also, he’s written many articles and blog posts on the same.