Vote the Quote- The Best Inspirational Quote

Inspiration is an internal factor in our personality, mostly defined in terms of emotions or thoughts, or a confluence of both emotions and logical thoughts, that induces us to do something or create in life. We can differentiate inspiration and motivation. Inspiration is something creative which is not necessarily intended for success or profit or benefit or returns or rewards, but is from a purely liberal approach of doing things for just things sake. In simple terms, inspiration is not result oriented approach but a genuine creative feeling or thought that many time leads to innovations and new methods in life.

Whereas motivation is something which we can say is result oriented thought with an intention of making success or profit or benefit or returns or rewards. Motivation is an utilitarian or secular idea as opposed to a liberal idea of inspiration . We will usually find the term motivated being used when we talk about setting targets as in gaining high marks or high grades in our studies, or when we talk about setting targets for individual team members in a marketing firm, etc. Mostly, motivations have some intentions backing them.

What inspires someone may not inspire another. Therefore inspirations are purely personal and very much individual specific. What we are inspired at present is dependent on our basic personality or characteristics and the degree of wisdom we possess at this wisdom . To cite a very common and gross example, we will find young men inspired by young women. But as they grow in wisdom with age, they turn to other subtler aspects of life. Therefore the inspiration that we get in young age is just a superficial attraction for the other and can be defined as quasi inspiration. A true inspiration lasts for a life time or even more.

An inspiration must be evolutionary, benevolent to the individual and must help for the true welfare and development of society or humanity.

Here is the list of Ten Inspirational Quotes - Take a poll and vote your favourite quote.

"live today as if it was ur last and don't ever say it is impossible cos nothing great was achieved with ease" - Gordon R. Dickson

"The only way you can serve God is by serving other people." - Rick Warren

"Your most important work is always ahead of you, never behind you." - Stephen R. Covey

"Life is filled with difficult decisions, and winners are those who make them." - Dan Brown

"Facing facts is definitely preferable to facing defeat." - Gordon R. Dickson

"Your most important work is always ahead of you, never behind you." - Stephen R. Covey

"My ambition is handicapped by my laziness." - Charles Bukowski

"It's good to have mysteries. It reminds us that there's more to the world than just making do and having a bit of fun." - Charles de Lint

"Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others." – Plato

"Don't start something that you cannot finish." - Justin Somper
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Author's Bio: 

Sunil Rajpal

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