This is the easiest thing I have ever done, and it’s working! How often do you get to say that — about anything?! Honestly, I have never felt better in my life, and I KNOW it’s due to this new way of eating, and the effects it’s having on my body, internally and externally.

I lost another pound this week! I know that doesn’t sound like much, but — WARNING, MEN — I’m about to discuss my lady-business! — it’s time for my period, and any time you can make it through THAT week with even a one pound loss, you know you’ve accomplished something! I didn’t have all the crazy hormone-induced symptoms I usually have, either. I didn’t even have to take a Xanax for my homicidal PMS tendencies this month! When you get your insulin under control, your body begins to become balanced in lots of other ways, which is the most amazing part of this program.

Here’s how it works:

Greg and I sat down together (on the phone) and talked about what I wanted to accomplish, and why. She also did a really thorough assessment of all my habits , including my eating patterns. She then suggested changes I could make immediately that would improve my health and help me lose weight, and explained ways to implement those changes that would work with my lifestyle.

Now, here’s the best part: I GOT TO PICK WHAT CHANGES I WOULD MAKE! For the first two weeks, I could go as moderate or extreme as I wanted (within the bounds of good nutrition ), and the only things I absolutely had to do were eat more veggies and drink half my weight in ounces of water. Needless to say, nothing works if you’re not willing to make at least SOME changes. I kept thinking, “I can do ANYTHING for two weeks. That’s not a long time!”

It’s amazing how much easier it is to stick with something when it’s your choice, and when you’re doing it for reasons that resonate with you.

I chose to get rid of wheat, sugar, artificial sweeteners, and anything processed. You know — my basic four food groups! That’s right. I’m off the diet soda for which my husband has been threatening to find a 12-step program. I thought it was going to be SO hard, and it just wasn’t. I think my body has been getting so much GOOD nutrition that it just hasn’t missed the junk I was shoving into it.

I have eaten more vegetables, lean protein and healthy fats in the last two weeks than in the last two years, and I keep wondering why in the world I didn’t do this sooner! I feel so flippin’ good, and I have so much more energy all day long.

There are a lot of reasons I didn’t do it sooner, and most of them were obstacles I created for myself, like:

1. Eating a lot of fresh produce is just too expensive
2. I don’t have the kind of time it takes to prepare all that food
3. I travel all the time for work and I won’t be able to find anything good to eat, so why bother?
4. I don’t want to have to fix separate meals for myself and my family
5. Blah, blah, blah.

There are simple solutions for all of these issues and more, and Greg is seriously gifted at helping you figure out why things haven’t worked for you in the past, and how to make them work for you, this time, for the LAST TIME. Unlike major weight loss companies who shall remain nameless, she does NOT offer a lifetime membership to the weight loss portion of her wellness program.

I’m at the end of the initial two weeks, and I have lost four pounds. I feel amazing, physically and mentally, and my weekly talk with Greg keeps me on track in a big way. She’s really good at helping me plan ahead, and we talk about “if this, then that” strategies (both food-based and emotional!) that help me navigate safely through the challenges of building a new lifestyle.

I have made some major changes in the way I eat, and it has created a ripple effect throughout my entire life. Its crazy good, and I can’t wait to see what happens next!

Author's Bio: 

Gregory Anne Cox is a certified life coach, weight loss coach and lifestyle consultant for midlife women—and the men they love. Her myth busting, butt kicking information and coaching style means results for her clients—the look and feel better than ever at midlife. Stop over at
for more information. You can reach Gregory directly at .