Vanilla is among the most popular scents for everything from candles to perfume to bath salts. The image of a bloom is on the packaging of many of vanilla scented products and is well recognized. Vanilla is a familiar flavor that is used to add flavor to many sweets and baked goods like shakes, pudding, and cakes. What is not well known is that the vanilla plant is actually an orchid plant.

The vanilla orchid history began when it was discovered in Mexico where it was first cultivated. There is a legend that the origin of this plant is related to the blood of two lovers. In the 1900’s it became rare and at auctions would bring in high bids. Today common types of vanilla plants are affordable and easy to buy.

The scent of true vanilla can be easily recognized and the taste of real thing is distinctive. Though there are artificial and synthetic scents and flavors, nothing can compare to real vanilla flavor in a cookie or the scent of a real scented candle burning. In aromatherapy the scent of vanilla is used for the following:

  • Aphrodisiac
  • Relaxing
  • Heightening the appreciation of beauty
  • Increasing beauty attunement
  • Uplifting

The scent of vanilla is appealing to both men and women. Women tend to want to wear the fragrance more than men.

The vanilla orchid plant is a beautiful orchid that can be grown indoors by any plant enthusiast or orchid grower. All orchids need a little extra care and attention, and this plant is no different. It will need the right potting medium, watering schedule, amount of light, proper fertilizing, and level of humidity to grow into a healthy plant that will produce blooms and vanilla pods.

When you buy a vanilla orchid plant, buy it because you love this beautiful plant. Don’t expect to harvest enough vanilla pods for your own personal use or to sell. A vanilla plant requires a lot of maintenance to grow outdoors. It is more easily grown indoors but is less likely to bloom and produce fruit (vanilla pods). In a tropical environment a vanilla orchid can grow to the height of 300 feet. This is unlikely to happen in an indoor environment, though. It has beautiful foliage and makes an attractive indoor plant.

With some extra care given to humidity, your vanilla orchid may bloom indoors and provide beautiful orchid blooms and fragrant vanilla pods. Its bloom images are usually of a cream or white orchid blooms. The vanilla orchid flower may also be shades of green or greenish yellow.

For orchid collectors, the vanilla orchid is sought after to add to their orchid plant collection. Some orchid collectors are willing to pay very high dollars for rare types.

The vanilla orchid plant with its beautiful blooms brings a lovely scent and distinctive flavor to its environment, which is why many plant and orchid growers choose to have a vanilla orchid plant in their home or in their garden.

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To learn more about Orchids, you can go to Orchid Plant Site . There is also more about the vanilla orchid , how orchids are used in aromatherapy, and the most popular aromatherapy scent, which is from the orchid.