Valued Opinions is an online survey company in which members receive payment for answering surveys. As its name suggests, the company values customer opinions in subject matters varying from fashion, sports , and motor vehicles to more serious issues such as the economic environment, global warming, and political events. By answering surveys, members are paid for their personal thoughts and opinions.

Is It Just One More Paid Surveys Scam?

Valued Opinions takes both large and small companies as clients and is powered by Research Now. Online survey sites are used by these companies to reach out to their customers using online survey sites and find out what they think of their products.

These are highly useful for companies to establish how their products are doing in the market and to gain feedback from their customers. Research Now is a member in good standing of the Council of American Survey Research Organization, and they also are an affiliate of the Better Business Bureau.

It’s an Easy Set-Up

It's very easy to join this paid surveys organisation. It’s free, and the registration shouldn't take longer than a minute or two to complete.

A candidate simply fills out a registration form and includes basic information such as their e-mail address, and then they enter a password. At about that point the applicant will be offered some simple surveys to fill in, and it's an excellent idea to complete these as it can increase the chances of acknowledgment.

Once a candidate is registered they can receive many emails which contain the surveys to be completed. Surveys are sent to registrants who've indicated an interest in certain topics and are tailored to their personal profile. The e-mails received will give an idea of the content of the survey, how much they will be paid, and an estimate of the time it takes to complete the survey.

Upon finishing the survey, the payment amount starts to turn up at the private page on their website. Members will generally make $2 - $5 for each qualified survey. They can make up to $50 for expert surveys.

What Rewards are You Entitled to

Once the payment reaches $20, an affiliate is entitled to a reward for which the payment could be used. The reward is composed of vouchers or gift cards from leading reward providers like Tesco, John Lewis, Arcadia, Boots, Argos, Amazon, Topman, Marks and Spencer, HMV, and Marriott.

Of course, as some members want to earn, others may also want to share their earnings. Payment from Valued Opinions may be received by partner charities such as WWF, World Vision, English Red Cross and Amnesty International.

These rewards have caused quite a stir and many thought it's all just a Valued Opinions scam. The biggest complaint by some members is that they do not receive an acceptable number of surveys.

Of course, this suggests they cannot earn a large income with Valued Opinions. This is simply because those members are potentially not qualified for the bulk of surveys offered.

Research is time-consuming and pricey. Certain members may not answer the surveys honestly or don't take them seriously.

This in turn results in inaccurate data being returned to the company. So the information collected may be skewed by these dubious submissions.

But in terms of delivery of payment, Valued Opinions appears to be rated highly by its followers. So if you can qualify to take enough surveys, this paid survey program can and will give you the opportunity to make a few extra greenbacks working part time from home.

Author's Bio: 

Merv Stevens works in Internet and Network Marketing. For tips and advice and to learn more about other home based businesses like Valued Opinions , go to his blog: Wealth Success Ventures . Act now and discover how average people are achieving extraordinary results online by cashing in on the DIGITAL gold rush!