Aging is something that every human must face in their lives, but thanks to modern day research, there is a way to do it gracefully. There are two ways you can go about aging ; one way is to just let it come and hope for the best, the other way is to take every possible, and most of the time simple, steps to ensure a long and healthy life. Our bodies were divinely created to last 100 years or more, but living the lifestyles we live here in America, our median life expectancy has reached the 60’s-80’s, why?

In our fast-paced lives we often times lack in proper nutrition , exercise, and rarely do we take the time in our stress-filled days to take a rest. Our bodies naturally slow as we age, and our bodies have a harder time fighting off sickness and disease, not to mention the fact that our digestive systems slow way down. If you live this fast paced lifestyle not only will you not stop your bodily functions from rapidly slowing, but you will aid them! Risky, age aiding things that can be avoided are: smoking, drinking large quantities of alcohol, or even drinking alcohol regularly, eating fatty foods, stress, and lack of rest. These are all things which we do all too often, and don’t think twice about, that ravage our bodies and aid the slowing of our bodily functions. All of these un-healthy activities create very powerful free radicals in our bodies that rapidly speed up our aging process while simultaneously causing needless destruction to our bodies.

There are some dietary considerations that we should ponder if we would like to slow the aging process. One of the most powerful avenues we can take in slowing our aging process is eating nutrient rich, low fat foods. This will help keep your digestive system healthy and up to speed, as well as lowering the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. You can also keep a healthy digestive system and combat free radicals by drinking ionized alkaline water. Alkaline water is rich in antioxidants and antioxidants help fight free radicals by boosting your immune system, which as we all know, helps aid our bodies in fighting off sickness and disease. Health is synonymous with hydration, and the best way to keep hydrated is by drinking 8 tall glasses of water a day. You can kill three birds with one stone by drinking alkaline water because you get your system flushed, stay hydrated and get your antioxidants! Another way to supply your body with antioxidants is by eating antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables like: avocados, berries, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, citrus fruits, onions, grapes and many more. It is so simple to implement some of these tasty treats into your diet, and also a very pleasant way to keep healthy. Now all you need to add to your weekly activities is proper rest and a few stress free activities and exercises and you’re good to go!

Author's Bio: 

Nedalee is the author of The Desperate Parents Handbook
Nedalee recommends for more articles on health and healing and for articles on diet and nutrition.
Copyright © 2008 By Nedalee Ruiz Permission granted to reproduce in entirety only including links and author credits.