Everyone knows how anxiety feels like. It happens when you are about to do a big presentation, when you are about to take a difficult exam, when you are worried about problems that you have at home or at work, or when you are being called for by your boss to his office. If we all feel anxiety , when does it become a disorder then?

Anxiety disorder happens when you let your worries and your fears hinder you from living your life the way that you want to. The anxiety is excessive and exaggerated, and you worry over simple things that should not be a big concern for you. There are four aspects of experiences that are covered by anxiety and these are the physical signs and symptoms, dissociative anxiety, physical tension and mental apprehension. The symptoms of anxiety can occur in episodes or they can be continuous. Anxiety condition is common and surveys revealed that it occurs in about 18% of people in the United States.

The causes of anxiety condition are not yet fully known but there are several factors that contribute to its development. Researchers say that family history plays a significant role in the development of anxiety disorder. If your parents or other family members suffer from this disorder, then there is a chance that you might also develop it. There are also biological causes of anxiety disorder which include the low level of GABA, the neurotransmitter that decreases the activity of the central nervous system. Environmental factors can also play a role in anxiety disorder such as stress and trauma, physical or sexual abuse, addiction and withdrawal from smoking, alcohol and other addictive substances.

The different anxiety disorder symptoms are classified into emotional and physical. Aside from the exaggerated fear and worry, other manifestations also include being irritable and restless, being tense and anticipating the worse that will happen. You will also be apprehensive with feelings of dread and concentrating can be difficult. Physical anxiety disorder symptoms result from the flight or fight response of the body. These symptoms include muscle tension and tremors or twitching mostly in the upper and lower extremities. Headaches and fatigue are also common signs of an anxiety condition as well as diarrhea, frequent urination, shortness of breath, nausea and diaphoresis.

You might be wondering if anxiety condition can be treated. The answer to that is yes. Anxiety disorder is highly treatable and the first step towards treatment is recognition of the problem. When you recognize and accept that you have a problem. When you are willing to do that, then you can get the help that you need. Talk to someone who can help you identify the causes of your anxiety. You can also develop a treatment plan, the ways on how you can deal with the problems and worries that you are facing. Medications are only needed in severe cases and if you can manage the anxiety disorder without them, it is better.

Knowing what anxiety disorder is will help you know if you are suffering from this disorder. You will then be able to seek treatment earlier so that further problems are avoided.

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For more information on Different Types of Diseases, Symptoms and Diagnoses, Please visit: Anxiety Disorder Symptoms and Anorexia Symptoms .