At present, the number of reproductive infections is increasing. Global medical experts are focusing on reproductive infectious diseases. They are extremely harmful. If they are not treated in time, they will be prone to recurrent attacks.

Rick has been married for more than three years. He is in good health, and he and his wife live a sweet and harmonious sexual life. But there has been no news of the pregnancy . It bothered them. Helpless, they came to the hospital for a detailed examination and wanted to know the problem was? The results were surprising. Rick had obstructive azoospermia, which was caused by epididymitis .

According to experts, Rick's epididymitis was caused by his previous mumps. It reminds Rick that he had epididymitis in 2008. At that time, he had severe pain, redness, and swelling. But he didn't insist on treatment and ignored it after the pain was relieved.

The truth of epididymitis

Epididymitis is a common reproductive system disease in young men. When the body's resistance decreases, pathogenic bacteria such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus will enter the vas deferens, and retrograde invade the epididymis, causing epididymitis.

Epididymitis can affect peripheral organs. If epididymitis patients do not receive timely and effective treatment, peripheral organs will be affected, leading to more severe consequences. Epididymitis is often secondary to urethritis, prostatitis, and seminal vesiculitis.

Although the epididymis is small, inflammation can be divided into two types.

Acute epididymitis: characterized by sudden high fever and elevated leukocyte count. The scrotum on the affected side is swollen and painful, and the feeling of falling is heavy. There is a pain in the lower abdomen and groin, which is exacerbated when standing or walking .

The epididymis and spermatic cord on the affected side were swollen and tender. When the scope of inflammation is enormous, the involved testicles also have swelling, and the boundary between the two is not clear. Generally, acute symptoms can gradually subside after a week.

Chronic epididymitis: it is more common in clinics. Some become chronic diseases due to acute failure to be cured entirely. But most patients have no precise acute stage. Chronic epididymitis is mostly secondary to chronic prostatitis or injury. The affected scrotum has a dull feeling of falling and swelling, and the pain often involves the lower abdomen and the ipsilateral groin. Sometimes it can be combined with secondary hydrocele.

In clinical practice, the simple application of the antibacterial effect on chronic epididymitis is not necessarily ideal. Traditional Chinese medicine has a good impact on epididymitis. The key lies in accurate syndrome differentiation, and the use of Traditional Chinese medicine also has such requirements.

For some symptoms caused by epididymitis, such as local swelling and pain, accompanied by frequent urination, urgency, yellow urine, and epididymal pain, natural medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can be used. It can eliminate symptoms and cure chronic epididymitis. And it also has a good effect on chronic prostatitis.

Epididymis resection can also be considered for poor drug treatment and repeated attacks. But epididymitis, after healing, left epididymal induration, sometimes can cause the patient's ideological burden. Moreover, the symptoms may not be relieved after surgical resection. Therefore, orchiectomy is generally not performed.

Epididymitis needs to be differentiated from three diseases.
Testicular torsion: primarily seen in pre-adolescent children, rare in patients over 30 years old. More strenuous exercise or violence damages the scrotum, sudden scrotal swelling, and pain. Also, patients will be accompanied by vomiting, nausea, fever, and other systemic symptoms.

Testicular tumor: the tumor is a painless mass with a hard texture and apparent heaviness. The normal testicular morphology disappears.

Tuberculous epididymitis: generally, there is little pain and fever. Palpation of epididymis and testis has clear boundaries, and the mass is hard. The focus often adheres to the scrotal wall or has the formation of abscess and sinus. The vas deferens can be accompanied by Beaded changes.

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