Auto accidents can be physically brutal for victims. The force of the collision between two vehicles can result in various injuries in different areas of your body. The nature and severity of these injuries can be primary and lead to lifelong consequences. After an accident, it is essential to receive immediate medical attention to diagnose your condition with medical tests such as MRIs, X-Rays, and CT Scans. 

If you experience an auto accident injury in Woodbury , you must seek medical care and get treated for the damage you incurred. The extent of your injuries and the doctor's expertise determines your treatment.

  • Broken bones. 

Arm, wrist, and back are common areas for fractures after an accident. You might experience bruising, tenderness, and deformities in the painful area. Additionally, vertebral fractures include burst, compression, and distraction fractures. 

X Rays determine the type of fracture and precise location for proper treatment. Standard treatment methods are external and internal fixation, functional braces, and immobilization casts. Physical therapy after the treatment can help strengthen muscle function and flexibility. 

  • Whiplash.

Rear-end accidents cause a rapid and jerk-like motion which causes severe damage to the neck. You might be unable to move your neck correctly or at all, experiencing stiffness and pain, headaches, and fatigue. It can also affect your spine, surrounding nerves, muscles, and tissues. Treatment plans involving home remedies such as hot and cold packs and sufficient rest, prescribed medication, injections, and foam collars are formed to heal the affected areas and symptoms. 

  • Spinal injuries. 

The spine is a delicate and vital organ. Damage to your spine can paralyze you or even be fatal if left untreated. If you experience the inability to move, loss of control over bowels, numbness and tingling, breathlessness and intense pain, and loss of balance and coordination, your spine and surrounding nerves may have been injured. Herniated discs and vertebral fractures are common spinal injuries after an accident. 

  • Herniated Discs. 

Herniated discs are when the interior of supportive discs leak through the hardened exterior, which contains it and spreads onto surrounding structures. It can lead to intense pain, limited range of motion, and sciatica if the interiors irritate the sciatic nerve. 

Standard treatment methods for the spine:

  • Surgeries. 
  • Disc replacement: The herniated disc is replaced with an artificial disc to relieve pain and enable normal functioning. 
  • Spinal fusion: The surgery involves the permanent connection of vertebrae in your spine to restore the spine's stability. 
  • Physical therapy. 
  • Medication. 
  • Exercises and stretches. 
Author's Bio: 

Parker shown is a full time blogger and can be contacted at