If you have more than one vehicle that needs to be insured, there is a way to save money on your insurance . Instead of getting individual policies for each vehicle you should put them all together on one policy. This is multi car insurance and you can insure up to five vehicles on one policy, even if they do not all belong to you. Provided they are all based at the same address, several people can share the same policy. Since it is easier for the insurance companies and since they have less paperwork to do, these multi vehicle policies cost them less money, so they can pass that saving on to you. Not only is multi car insurance cheaper, it is also much more convenient.

When you have several cars and they each have their own car insurance policy, you will have multiple due dates for the insurance. You will have to make sure each policy is paid on the due date or your insurance could lapse. When you have all of your vehicles on one policy you will only have the one to worry about. It is true that having all of your vehicles together on one policy will be expensive to pay all at one time. That is why you can set up monthly payments. It will be easier for you to pay.

Multi car insurance is available in comprehensive and third party cover. Many people prefer to buy comprehensive even though it is more expensive. Comprehensive will cover your car and the other driver’s car if you cause the accident. That means you will not have to worry about expensive repair bills. As you probably already know getting a car repaired is expensive. Comprehensive will pay for itself if you have to use it once.Third party is the least expensive and is required by law. You can’t have anything less than third party. This cover pays for the other driver’s injuries and damage to his car. Nothing is covered on your car. If you cause the accident, third party will pay for whatever expenses the other driver has. You will have to pay your own expenses on your damaged car.

Everyone who drives on the road must have insurance in the UK. This is a law and when you figure how much it could cost you in car repairs and injury suits, it is a good law to have. Very few people will be able to pay all the expenses that are incurred with injuries from an accident. You really do need to help of insurance companies.

When you purchase multi car insurance you can have the cover you want. You should get quotes on both multi car and individual policies to make sure you are getting the best price. There are rare occasions when individual is cheaper. Also if you have one car that is new and you want to carry comprehensive, but the other cars you own are old and have very little value, you may want to consider individual policies. You can find multi car insurance online for a discount. Many insurance companies will sell their insurance for less on the internet. Get plenty of quotes from several insurance companies so you are assured of getting the best price on insurance.

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Read more about how multiple vehicle insurance on the Author's website, which tells you how to compare car insurance online to save money.