Mediterranean countries are known for their historically rich history. However, they are equally rich when it comes to offering a diverse variety of food. Various scientific studies have even proved that Mediterranean cuisines are not only tasty but also come up with several health benefits.
It is commonly assumed that Mediterranean food is time-consuming and requires a lot of hard work as well as energy. But, at the same time, there are plenty of Mediterranean foods that can be prepared in a jiffy. It particularly stands true for Mediterranean salads. In the following section, we are listing Mediterranean salads that are easy to prepare!

Chicken And Farro Herb Salad

This healthy chicken salad recipe is great for a healthy dinner or potluck. It's loaded with fresh herbs, arugula, and olives. Farro's nutty flavor and quick cooking time are what make this recipe sumptuous and convenient. However, depending on your personal taste, adding other whole grains like bulgur, freekeh, or couscous can also be good options. This salad is very famous in nearly all Mediterranean countries. If you type Mediterranean cuisine near me in Google, you are likely to see this salad right on top in the results.

Mediterranean Couscous Salad

This Mediterranean-inspired couscous salad features classic Mediterranean flavors such as salty feta cheese, olives, and crunchy raw vegetables like cucumbers or arugula. For protein and heartiness, chickpeas are also included. Everything is torn with a simple, refreshing, tangy dressing made of red wine vinegar, oil, lemon, oil, and dried herbs .You can increase the protein level by adding chicken or balsamic roast tofu. This couscous salad can be used as a meal prep option and can easily be customized to suit your tastes.
To prepare this sumptuous Mediterranean plate, cut the cucumber in half along its length. Continue this process, cutting each half in length. Cut the cucumber slices crosswise so that you have 1/2 cup of cucumber. Once done, mix together the olive oil and red wine vinegar in a large bowl.

Quinoa Power Salad

This satisfying salad is an ideal thing to prepare in the evening. You can eat one portion as dinner and then save the rest for lunch the next day. This meal is packed with nutrients, including protein- and fiber-rich ingredients such as chicken, sweet potato, and quinoa, plus power greens.

Fattoush Salad

Fattoush Salad is a common Middle Eastern side dish. It is a simple chopped salad with a zesty lime vinaigrette. Croutons can be made from homemade pita chips. In the Middle East, the pursuit of fresh-out-of-the-oven pita is real, but that doesn't mean leftover pieces go to waste. People of the Middle East use pita scraps in many different ways.
Giving you a historical perspective of the salad, fatta, or fatteh, is a Middle East food style that was inspired by a day-old pita. Fatteh dishes like this Lebanese Chicken Feta or fattoush salad give leftover pita a second chance to be the main ingredient.Fattoush, which is basically a "bread salad", was said to be originated in Northern Lebanon. For extra flavor, Lebanese farmers used leftover pita pieces to fry in olive oil. To build their Fattoush they would simply add the pita chips to whatever vegetables or herbs were in season. The ingredient list for Fattoush can vary. That is one reason why you will find many versions of Fattoush in the Middle East.

Grilled Zucchini Salami

This zucchini salad is delicious at room temperature. It makes a great potluck dish. It's an exceptional side dish to my Mediterranean grilled chicken and dill yogurt sauce in the summer. You can also use it as part of a mezze with other small plates such as Tzatziki and roasted garlic Hummus.

Mediterranean Egg And Chickpea Salad

No Mediterranean cuisine or salad comes close to the taste of Mediterranean egg salad. Once you have the dressing prepared, it's easy to mix the egg salad and Mediterranean chickpeas together. If you don't want to use crushed eggs, make sure you only mix eggs in the end. Many people prefer to cut them in rounds so that every bite contains eggs. You can also cut eggs into four pieces if you wish. Back in the day, fresh herbs such as cilantro were used in Mediterranean egg and chickpea salad instead of Parsley or mint.

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Passion for writing about various food and blogging related topics. A writer who loves to research everything that provokes the curiosity of knowing. Bearing the right skills and years-long expertise, manages to create versatile content every time that impresses the readers and leaves them in awe.