The Natural Phenomenon Of Aging

Do you too wish for a magical potion to stop you from aging ? Yes, we hit the bull’s eye and we get it. Aging is inevitable but looking of your age isn’t!

As we age, the skin's topmost layer – the epidermis – starts to get thinner. This makes the skin look pale and translucent which can make the blood vessels visible below the skin. They also become fragile in these blood vessels, which can cause easy bruising or bleeding.

In a process called photo-aging, UV rays from the sun, damage the fiber in the skin called elastin and it breaks down, causing the skin to sag. Gravity also causes the skin to drop around the eyebrows and eyes. Your fine lines and usual lines of facial muscle movement such as the laugh lines and crow's feet become more prominent.

It is a natural process, however, and can't be reversed. So let's talk about how you can age like fine wine, and keep your skin's youthfulness for a longer time using most effective skincare products & home remedies. Also, taking the next step- how would you prevent your skin from aging ?

Chemical Emollients

There are several operational and non-surgical options available these days to reverse the aging process. One of the most common ways of preserving younger-looking skin is using certified cosmeceutical products. Topicals like Boxtlak Anti-aging cream and  Glycolic acid cream can work wonders.

Adapt To A Rich Staple

Maintain a diet rich in complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, leafy green fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy products, and lean meats. Oral supplements which have antioxidants such as vitamin C may also be included.

Exercises And Activities

Aerobic exercises like swimming, cardio, walking , or even yoga can make you look younger in years. For a stronger body and an erect posture, focus on your core and spine. You're going to look younger for longer if you start younger.

Quintessential Home Remedies

Aloe vera gel, mashed ripe banana, or raw white egg can truly work wonders. The natural oils and vitamins in bananas nourish the skin; egg white collagen boosters reduce wrinkle appearance .

Ways To Prevent The Aging Process

  • To look and feel younger, avoid the stress that can increase oxidant presence in your skin, and make you look older.
  • Meditation, yoga, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and relaxation are a must for a younger look.
  • For healthier-looking skin, opt for facials, hydration masks, and exfoliation.
  • Wear protective clothing from the sun which covers your skin and shields you from harmful UV rays.
Author's Bio: 

Khushi Thakkar is a professional Content Writer at WebRatna LLP and freelancer. A caffeinated lifeform drives her. She cooks up stories coalescing fiction and reality. She believes words and pets can do glimmering wonders in one’s life. Dancing, painting, medalist at Vedic Math, she has it all in her veins. Life mantra: “Till death do we art.”