Marketing. For some of us, it's a natural part of who we are but for many of us, marketing is something we don't understand, don't feel comfortable doing and avoid at all costs.

As an entrepreneur , avoiding marketing or failing to understand its value can ensure a lack of success or at the very least inconsistent success.

So, how can you change that? Learn more about the many ways to market. I guarantee that there is a way that works for you. It may not be what you're familiar with right now, but if you take the time to try several different methods you will find your perfect fit!

Top 15 Lifestyle Feng Shui Marketing Tips

1. Determine what you do, in a way the embraces your unique abilities
2. Establish a professional email address and phone number
3. Fully utilize online directory listings in your field (and be sure to fill out all the information!)
4. Create a simple business card (biz name and/or logo is not necessary – start where you are.use your name.) Include your phone, email and website on card
5. Brochure…doesn’t have to be a full tri-fold. It’s very effective to create a brochure card instead. Place in doctor offices, small biz bureau, wellness centers, etc.
6. If you are interested in speaking, set up engagements start small with wellness doctor or chiropractor then expand to workshop venues…
7. Submit articles to online article directories
8. Include your biz info in your email signature- everyone know what that is? If you don’t have one, create one.
9. Tell everyone you know about your business
10. Schedule free consultations or create a special contest…create buzz
11. Social networks…what are they and do you need them? (check out my Social network blog post for more details.
12. Network with other entrepreneurs , work together, give each other referrals, set up workshops, etc. (don't be afraid to network with others who do what you do, you can and should support one another.)
13. Set aside time every week to work on marketing…whether this is direct contact marketing, working on your materials, social networks, or even taking classes…your results are a reflection of your efforts….you decide what you want it to be (check out my blog post for more marketing tips and suggestions.
14. Every contact you have in public is marketing. You are the product, be aware of how you present yourself, the energy you give off and your train of thought. When you catch yourself focusing on negative outcomes, shift your thinking.
15. View challenges as opportunities. Thinking in this way is affirmational and reinforces a positive energy flow in your life experiences – it's Lifestyle Feng Shui ™ at its best!

All businesses, no matter what their size, benefit from marketing. Take the time to find out what works best for you and do it!

Author's Bio: 

Laurie Bornstein is a Feng Shui coach, author, speaker and teacher. Her business, Harmony Life LLC, blends methods and techniques from holistic design, the principles of Feng Shui and the power of life coaching. Laurie is one of the 12 teachers in the world certified to teach beginning and advanced Interior Alignment and to teach and certify new Interior Alignment teachers. She is one of the original Interior Alignment Board members and remains actively involved as a member of the Advisory Board. Laurie is active in the International Feng Shui Guild where she serves as both the CEO and the Education Director; working to establish standards for practitioners and schools within the Feng Shui community. Laurie Bornstein, Professional Interior Alignment Feng Shui Teacher, Author, Speaker, Life Coach and Business on Purpose Marketing Expert. Offering Interior Alignment Certification, seminars, one-on-one and group coaching for Feng Shui professionals, and women entrepreneurs.