Shoes are one of the greatest challenges when it comes to closet organization. Since we all need several pairs for different activities, it can be easy for shoes to accumulate and become a cluttered mess on the closet floor. Between workout shoes, formal shoes, casual shoes and shoes for different seasons, it is easy to run out of storage space quickly. No one wants to crouch over their closet floor every morning, rummaging through mismatched shoes. But having enough closet space for all of your shoes is a rare luxury. So what is the solution?

Luckily, there are a few easy ways to solve the great footwear organizational problem. And some of the best solutions are quick and inexpensive. Taking the time to carefully consider the right products for your needs is crucial, but the end result, a neat closet and organized shoes, is well worth the effort.

There are many products that can get your shoes in order. One of the more practical tools is an over the door organizer. These items contain multiple sleeves to fit your shoes, and hang over your door for easy access and out of the way storage. The sleeves are generally made of stretchable material, which makes it possible to store footwear of many different sizes. This is an ideal option for husbands and wives who are sharing shoe space. You can also trust that the fabric will be very resistant to tearing and will remain durable for many years. Using one of these handy organizers keeps clutter off of your floor and shelves, and makes it quick and easy to find the shoes you need.

While avoiding clutter is of the utmost importance, shelves and floor space can be extremely efficient places to store and organize shoes. Using specially designed shoe racks on either the floor or shelves is a great way to expand your closet’s storage capacity. These racks have some very convenient design features, the most important of which is angled shelving. This makes the entire shoe visible, and helps you reach for the right shoe on the first try, saving you time and stress when you’re getting ready in the morning.

Simply owning these products, however, does not guarantee a good system for shoe organization. When you place your shoes on one of the organizers, think about how you are positioning them. Categorize your footwear based on use, season, color and other similar factors. The important part of this process is finding a system that will remove excess clutter.

You also need to make sure that your system does not only allow for storage of the shoes that you currently own, but is able to expand when you purchase new items. Do not forget to plan for new shoes down the road.

If you still have shoe clutter after using these organizers, you may need to find a place outside of your closet to store your footwear. A good first step in this process is to figure out which shoes need to be available to you at all times, and which can be easily stored away. A guestroom or office can be a perfect spot for seldom used shoes. Putting a shoe rack right next to the door of your bedroom is a great way to store the shoes that you wear on a daily basis. Or, if you have shoes that you only wear for formal events, purchase an organizer just for them, and consider an alternate location to store them.

Separating shoes based on their seasonal use can also be a good way to clear out jumbled closet space. Try using an under the bed shoe drawer to store footwear that you want to access easily, but that you do not use the most often. This can be a very good option for formal wear since it keeps the shoes away from dust and direct light, which can fade the colors. If you have invested some money in your formal footwear, this will greatly increase their lifespan and help you save money.

A rubber mat near an outside entrance to your home can be great for boots and other footwear that gets dirty and wet. This gives the shoes a good place to air out, and prevents messes inside the house. Whatever your footwear storage needs happen to be, there is a product out there that can help you stay organized.

Keeping your shoes organized is crucial to maintaining a neat and clutter free closet. Investing in the right products is a great start to getting organized. And from there, a little bit of creativity can go a long way.

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Get Organized provides you with tips and tools to help you organize your home, office, and any other area that needs organization.

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