The continuous growth of internet has definitely left a great impact on the different phases of life including the job search. A lot of jobs are posted online in some of the top job search websites that has made the job search quite easy. This has also changed the thinking process of the employers who have started looking for potential employees online based on their qualifications.

Posting the resume online definitely gives an advantage to come into the eyes of these potential employers. But this does not mean that just by posting the resume online will guarantee a good job, as thousands of resumes are posted online for a particular job. The key is to make sure that the resume stands out among all other resumes posted online.Following are some of the key tips that can help create an online resume that is unique, prominent and can provide an upper hand over others:

1) Focus On Keywords:This is one of the key factors that one should always keep in mind. Try and make the resume keyword rich as employers search for the employees using keywords that match the experience or skills required for the post. For e.g. for searching a Chinese restaurant in Chandigarh, one will search it on Google using a keyword "Chinese restaurant in Chandigarh", similar is the case with the employers who would search an employee using specific keywords matching the skills they require for the job.

2) Branding Is Important:It is very important to make the resume branded with a statement of about 15-20 words that can define the exceptional qualities and attributes possessed by the individual that makes him special and unique among others.

3) Focus On The Format And Layout:Make sure the resume is in a simple format that is pleasing and easy to understand. Try and use a font that is simple yet unique apart from the very renowned and frequently used font's like Times new roman and Arial. This will definitely help one get into the eyes of the employers who feel worn-out after reading so many resumes in the same font.

4) Add Appropriate Links:Online resume offers an interactive interface for adding links to your projects, blogs, and social profiles. This is definitely a great advantage as you can impress the recruiter with the key skills that cannot be presented otherwise.

5) Use Positive Statements:Using positive statements for listing key facts definitely creates a good impression on the reader and help one stand out in the crowd.

6) Limit the amount of time you spend on job boardsAs Next Avenue has noted, job boards are one of the least effective ways to get hired. The Career Brainstorming Day experts said it’s generally only worth applying for a position through a job board if your résumé matches 80 to 85 per cent of what an employer asks for in a posting.

7) Make sure to include keywordsMore and more companies are using automated computer algorithms to dig through the plethora of resumes they receive to narrow the selection. It is crucial that you include keywords relating to the job you are applying for to get your resume “found” and passed onto the next level. Use these keywords early in the resume, and use them often (but don’t repeat sentences—use them in different contexts).

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For more information regarding Online Resume Building services and Executive MBA visit Mentor India.