One of the effects of cannabis use is the attack of the munchies. Studies show that the cannabis affects the neurons affecting appetite. This makes the user want to eat more. The good thing about the munchies is that it is possible to control them if you decide you do not want to give in to them. The urge to eat can really play havoc with your body weight. It can also affect your health, especially when you eat the wrong type of foods during your munchies stages.

The urge to eat does not usually mean the cannabis makes you hungry since the munchies attack you even if you are full. You will find a few tips that will help you effectively manage the urges.

Take your focus off the food

If you get an attack of the munchies, you can take the focus out of the food and you will find that the urge will fade away in time. You will realize that focusing on just how hungry you feel can make you hungrier . Being busy with other things allows other thoughts to take over your mind. You can try reading a book or some other intense activity that will help take your mind off the foods you crave. You need to have a disciplined mind that is able to suppress the cravings such that you will not succumb to them. When you train your mind, you will not reach for that bag or plate of cookies.

Keep the food you crave for the most out of reach

You may suffer the urge to eat a specific snack during your munchies. You will notice that if you do not have the type of food you crave at hand, you will be able to overcome the urges easily. When the munchies hit you when you are away from home, you are able to overcome them because you are not near the food. Creating the same convenience where you do not have the snack readily at hand is an ideal way of dealing with the munchies and safeguarding your weight this way. You can substitute with a healthy alternative, especially in situations where you feel real hunger after smoking weed.

Have regular meals

The munchies become worse when your body already lacks food to begin with. Ensure that you eat regular meals as this allows you to have a filled stomach when the munchies strike. You can effectively control the urges. Some strains of cannabis can increase your appetite. You should change to strains that have higher CBD levels. Such strains suppress your appetite better. Ensure that the meals you take are healthy. This means that even when the munchies attack, you should have at hand healthy meals that will not add on to your weight issues. If you are taking cannabis for health reasons, healthy meals will ensure you do not make the health conditions worse. Drinking water also comes in handy when you are having the munchies.

Author's Bio: 

Lucy Jones is an experienced blogger who has written articles for several renowned blogs and websites about various uses of social media to engineer more business traffic on business websites.