Garden weeds are a menace. They take away nourishment from soil and stop the growth of grass and other garden plants. The removal of these weeds is absolutely necessary and it is therefore important that you know about the various types of weed killers that are available.

Many people do not like to use weed killers and simply pull weeds by hand. This is only suitable for someone with a small garden or lots of time on their hands and is back-breaking work. Even after this painstaking task has been completed you always run the risk that small parts of roots are left that can, and will, grow. The only way of eradicating weeds for good is by using good weed killers.

Good weed killers are the fastest, quickest and most efficient way of removing unwanted weeds from your garden. There are two types of weed killers – organic weed killers and chemical weed killers. Within these two categories of weed killers there are variants for different types of weed, differing sized areas of land and specific types for specific parts of the garden ie. patios etc. These weed killers are all available in gel, liquid or granular form and it is important that you make the right choice when making a selection.

Weed killers will have instructions for their application – this may be by diluting in water and spread using a watering can, by applying the weed killers directly onto the weeds or by raking into a lawn. The essential thing to remember is that you always read the instructions carefully so that no damage is caused to areas of your garden you wish to remain untouched. If the wrong type of weed killers are selected or the chosen weed killers are applied incorrectly, irreversible damage could be caused to your blooming borders or your valuable veggies! The damage weed killers can cause may also have a long lasting effect by contaminating soil.

The important thing to remember when selecting weed killers is to do your homework and check the product is suitable for your needs as the products are not all the same. Even more importantly, always read the safety guidelines on weed killers you have chosen to ensure the safety of yourself, your family and your pets .

Author's Bio: 

An experienced article writer with vast knowledge of many topics ranging from energy efficiency to gardening!