We all hate acne because these are annoying and irritating. Acne is a common problem especially with teenagers and women in their 40s and above. All of us must have been affected by the acne problem at some time in our lives. Acne and pimples make us conscious and reduces our confidence level. Acne usually develops when the skin pores become clogged and infected with sebum, a type of oil.

Here are some tips for women of any age who want to keep their skin clean and clear from acne and pimples:
• People who have acne prone skin should watch their face at least twice a day (in the morning and before going to bed) with lukewarm water. You should wash your face thrice in summers to avoid oils from getting accumulated. Don’t wash your face with harsh soaps, instead choose mild soaps. Don’t forget to splash warm water on your face before applying soap. It will open your skin pores. If you have oily skin, go for water-based soaps. Never use body soaps on your face as these may clog skin pores causing acne. Rinse off soap or face wash well with cold water.
• Do not pluck out, scratch or squeeze pimples with bare hand no matter how tempting it is. This may leave permanent scar on your face and the spot redder and swollen.
• Apply a little moisturizer on your face till it gets absorbed. It is important to moisturize your skin even if it is oily. You must use oil-free moisturizer.
• Make sure you protect your skin from the direct sun exposure. A tan may increase your acne woes as it damages your skin and also increases the risk of skin cancer.
• Don’t ever go to your bed without removing your makeup. Choose a good makeup remover to remove all your makeup. Your skin will feel clean and light.
• Avoid wearing tight clothes if you get acne on your body. Loose clothes will help your skin to breathe.
• Open your skin pores by giving mild steam to your face and then apply honey. Let it dry for 10-15 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water. Now splash cold water on your face to close open skin pores. It will cleanse your face properly.
• Most women don’t know the importance of toning their skin. You must tone your skin after cleansing as it clears your face of any leftover cleanser. You just need to dip a cotton ball in tonner and apply it over your face.
• Include fresh fruits, raw vegetables and green salad in your diet . Also take vitamin, zinc supplements.
• Young girls should avoid wearing too much cosmetics on their faces as skin is really sensitive at this age.
• Drink at least 12 glasses of water in a day. It works as a cleanser as it flushes out toxins from your body.
• Make sure you keep your hair clean. Avoid using hair spray.
• Clean your sunglasses regularly to prevent oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose.

Author's Bio: 

Vibha Sharma is an expert of latest fashion, and is great beauty advisor. She is currently working as a writer for a makeup beauty products, cosmetics and beauty products related company. She is also a pretty good beauty expert as my friends said!!